The Law n° 13.709 - General Data Protection Regulation of Brazil, from August 14th, 2018, will come into force in August 2020, establishing rules on the collection, storage, treatment and sharing of personal data, imposing more protection and penalties for non-compliance.
For the purposes of this law, we consider:
I - personal data: information related to a natural person identified or identifiable;
II - sensitive personal data: personal data about the racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, union affiliation or religious, philosophical or political organization, data related to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to natural person;
III - anonnyzed data: data related to holder, who cannot be identified, considering the usage of reasonable technical data available at the moment of its treatment;
Not applicable.
In order to adapt Protheus® system à General Data Protection Regulation (Law n° 13.70), , we needed to adapt the presentation of routine data, in order to carry out the treatment of sensitive and / or personal data, using the Access Control and Audit Log.
Define if the user or a group of users has the permission to access/view the sensitive personal data available in the screen of the routines and/or reports when applicable.
The System Admin is the responsible party establishing whether the information control rules will be applicable to a single user or a group of users. The configuration of this users access and/or group of users to sensitive and personal data is available int he module Configurator (SIGACFG) through the accesses 192 and 193 (Accesses x Routine Relationship).
For further details on the Security Policy, click here.
It enables to audit the Data Dictionary and of the User Registration, the access authentication to routines with sensitive and/or personal fields, as well as the possible access rejections to such data.
For further details, refer to the Audit Rules chapter in the Security Policy.
Protheus® System makes some routines available for the generation of the Audit Logs. The procedures for the configuration and generation of these reports are obtained through the Routines of Logs and Audit.
Links of routines:
FINA031 - Person Registration
FINA040 - Accounts Receivable
FINA050 - Accounts Payable
FINA060 - Transfers
FINA070 Posting Payments Receivable
FINA080 - Manual Posting Payment Payable
FINA087A - Sundry Collections
FINA090 - Automatic Posting Payment Payable
FINA091 - Automatic Posting Payment of Multi-Branches
FINA100 - Bank Transactions
FINA110 - Automatic Posting of Bills Receivable
FINA130 - Bank Parameters
FINA140 - Cnab Occurrences
FINA150 - CNAB Receivable Dispatch File
FINA151 - Generate Collection Instruction File
FINA190 - Check Generation
FINA200 - Collection Return
FINA210 - Recalculation of Bank Balances
FINA250 - Financial Tracking
FINA260 - DDA Reconciliation
FINR270 - Customer History
FINA300 - Sispag
FINA330 - Clearance Receivable
FINA337 - INSS Calculation
FINA340 - Accounts Payable Clearing
FINA373 - DARF Control
FINA377 - INSS Calculation
FINA380 - Bank Reconciliation
FINA382 - Taxes Grouper of Taxation Configurator
FINA390 - Check on Bills
FINA401 - Generate Data for DIRF
FINA403 - Generate data for Dirf (public companies)
FINA420 - Generation of CNAB Payable Submission
FINA430 - Cnab Return Payable
FINA450 - Clearance between Portfolios
FINA460 - Settlement Receivable
FINA473 - Automatic Reconciliation
FINA480 - Statement Occurrences
FINA550 - Petty Cash Maintenance
FINA565 - Settlement Payable
FINA580 - Release for Posting
FINA585 - Funds Request
FINA590 - Maintenance of Bordereau
FINA620 - Transfer Request
FINA621 - Request of Transfer
FINA720 - Generation of Invoices Bills Receivable
FINA701 - Manager Panel
FINA702 - Treasury Panel
FINA703 - Accounts Payable Panel
FINA704 - Accounts Receivable Panel
FINA761 - Financial Clearing Document
FINA811 - Collection Letter Submission
FINA820 - Digital Cash Book Extractor of Rural Producer
FINA994 - SCP Partners Registration
FINC010 - Customers Position
FINC030 - Suppliers Position
FINC040 - Bills Receivable Position
FINC050 - Payment Query
FINR087 - Sundry Collections Report
FINR127 - Settlement of Debts
FINR130 - Bills Receivable
FINR133 - Customer Aging
FINR134 - Aging
FINR138 - Bills Receivable per Nature
FINR150 - Bills Payable
FINR158 - Bills Payable by Nature
FINR170 - Bordereau Issue Report
FINR180 - Posting by Batch
FINR190 - List of Posting Payments
FINR195 - Apportionments Map Report
FINR198 - List of Posts by Nature
FINR355 - Taxes by Suppliers Report
FINR460 - Special Checks
FINR480 - Check Printing
FINR490 - Check Copy Issuance
FINR550 - T-ledger
FINR610 - Commissions Preview
FINR710 - Payment Bordereau
FINR801 - Transactions by Month
FINR855 - Bills Payable with Tax Withholding
FINR860 - INSS Withholding Report
FINR865 - Tax Withholding Report
FINR875 - Grouping Report
FINR899 - List of Sundry Collections
FINR930 - Tax Grouping Report
FINR960 - Statement of Settled Operations in Cash
FINRGPS - GPS Issuance
Not applicable.
Further information on the Law n° 13.709, click here
Manual to understand the general data protection law