Páginas filhas
  • Bills Receivable per Nature - FINR138



This report presents, through the parameterization adopted, the bills registered in the portfolio of Accounts Receivable.

It can be printed in a detailed way, indicating the bills of a single customer or all customers. The parameterization enables you to select the view through prefixes, bill number, banks, due date interval, class, issue, and currency. The report prints the bill, totalizing by detailed and summarized natures according to the Natures structured record.

When generating the report, you can define whether temporary bills, bills in collection discounted or bills related to advances are considered.

The system enables the client to have a better view of bills status with date retroactive to the issue of the report, or presents current balance of bills till the last transactions, excluding issue date of reports for calculation base.

Bills registered in other currencies can be converted into the selected currency and presented in the issue or may not be related.


This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


  • Report only for TotvsDbAccess/TReport.
  • Multiclass apportionments made while issuing and/or writing off bills receivable are automatically considered.
  • You can select the branches considered for report generation by setting the Select Branches? question to Yes.


  1. Click Parameters.
    1. A screen is displayed with the report parameters.
  2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.
  3. Check the configuration and confirm.