Páginas filhas
  • Taxes Grouper of Taxation Configurator - FINA382


This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


This feature enables the grouping of bills payable and taxes whose configuration has been performed through routine  Configurator of Taxes. 
The routine enables the selection of bills considered in the grouping and makes the tax payment easy through a single bill.


  • Group

Procedure to group tax bills, generating new grouping bill(s), downloading the original bills (groupers).

  • Search

Search for the bill in the accounts payable file, having it placed and highlighted in the browser.

  • Cancel

Procedure enabling the cancellation of the grouping process, deleting the grouping bills and canceling the posting of tax bills that were grouped before.

  • View

Procedure enabling the view of the bill placed in the browser.

  • Caption


List of questions and parameters of the routine FINA382:


    Question Description
    Start Date ?

    Enter the start date of the interval considered in the processing. The date of the tax bill generation will be considered (FK4_DATA).

    End Date ? Enter the end date of the interval considered in the processing. The date of the tax bill generation will be considered (FK4_DATA).
    Select Bills ? Enable the display of the screen to select the bills compounding the grouping.
    Select Branches ? Enable the display of the screen to select branches considered in the search of registrations of Types of Withholdings and tax bills, otherwise, only the current branch data are considered.
    Print Report ? Select if, at the end of the grouping process, a report with a list of grouped bills is generated.
    Withholding Code ?

    Enable you to define a withholding code that is used to filter the registrations of “Type of Withholding”and the bills in the grouping.

    Note: Completion is not required. If it is blank, the routine does not apply any withholding code filter.

    Tax ?

    Enable you to define a specific tax to be grouped, so the selection screen of “Types of Withholding” will consider the registrations linked to the tax selected.

    Note: If you do not want to filter by specific tax, leave the field blank.

    Supplier ?

    Enable you to filter the taxes of the same Supplier + Store.

    A supplier representing a city “X” because the taxes are targeted to this city. If completed, the selection screen of the “Types of Withholding” displays the registrations linked to the “Supplier+Store” selected.

    Store ? Enter the end date of the interval of due dates of tax bills to be included in the taxes grouping process.
    Account Online ?

    Indicate if the accounting is on-line, that is, during the execution of this transaction or if it will be accounted offline, where non-accounted entries are processed in batch later.

    Display entry ?

    Indicate if the accounting entries are displayed on screen.

    Note: The questions will only have any effect if the option “Account online?” is “Yes”.

    Group Entry ?

    Indicate if accounting entries must be grouped in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item and value class are the same in the entries.

    Note: The questions will only have any effect if the option “Accounts online ?” is “Yes”.

    Question Description Default
    MV_CTBFLAG Indicate if the accounting flags of the offline routines are selected during the accounting entry transaction - SIGACTB.   .F.


      See below a practical example of grouping for tax payments:

        1. Set a tax through routine FISA170 (Tax Configurator);
        2. Bind the tax set in the registration of the Supplier (SA2) and also in the registration of the Financial Nature (SED).
        3. Add some bills payable with the Supplier and Financial Nature of the item below, to withhold the tax previously set.
        4. Access routine FINA382 - Grouping of taxes;
        5. Select operation GROUP;
        6. The Wizard of the taxes grouping. The first page is presentation, click "Next" to continue.
        7. The second page is Wizard  the questions will be defining filters and rules are displayed to continue the grouping. Click "Next" to continue;
          1. For further details see the topic "04. QUESTIONS AND PARAMETERS";
        8. On the third page of the Wizard  the options of taxes to group are displayed. Click "Next" to continue; 
          1. The records displayed in this screen represent the registration of Tax Configuration previously added (FKK table);
          2. As the questions are completed in the second page may interfere in the filter applied to display the records of these screen;
          3. Different taxes may be selected for grouping, so the routine will not group all taxes in a single bill. The routine will separate by tax/withholding code and will display how the information will be consolidated before the final processing.
        9. On the fourth page of the Wizard  the screen to select the bills for grouping are displayed. Click "Next" to continue;
          1. The list of bills will be displayed if the question "Select Bills ?" is equal to "Yes";
          2. The bills displayed are filtered based on the questions (second page) and in the taxes (third page) selected;
        10. On the fifth page of the Wizard  the consolidation data considered in the grouping are displayed. Check the coherence of data, then click "Confirm" to start the grouping processing.
          1. Each item displayed on this screen represents a new bill created after the routing processing;
          2. Some editable fields, on this screen, will define what is saved in the new bills generated, as follows:
            1. Type (E2_TIPO);
            2. Nature (E2_NATUREZ);
            3. Due date (E2_VENCTO);
            4. Destination branch (E2_FILIAL and/or E2_FILORIG);
        11. If you have set the question "Print Report ?" as "Yes", after the grouping processing, the report with the result is generated for verification.

      06. ACCOUNTING


      Generator Fact




      Posting of the accounts payable bill 




      Addition of the accounts payable bill 




      Deletion of the accounts payable bill



      Reversal of the accounts payable bill posting


      07. TABLES

      • SE2 - Accounts Payable Register 
      • SE5 - Bank Transaction 
      • SED - Natures Register
      • SA2 - Suppliers Register
      • FK2 - Postings Payable
      • FK4 - Withheld Taxes
      • FKA - Transaction Tracking

      08. ENTRY POINTS

      Entry point



      Entry point to add the SE2 fields/columns on the bills selection screen of the grouping wizard.