Permite obter o conteúdo do arquivo atachado e retornar esse conteúdo através de uma string.
GetAttach( < cNumMsg > )
Nome | Tipo | Descrição | Obrigatório | Referência |
cNumMsg | numérico | Indica o ID (número de identificação da mensagem) que se deseja obter informações. | X |
Nome | Tipo | Descrição |
cRet | caractere | Retorna uma string (cadeia de caracteres) contendo o conteúdo do arquivo anexado na mensagem. |
Exemplo 1
user function tstGetAttach() Local oServer Local oMessage Local nAttach := 0, nI := 0 Local nMessages := 0 Local cAttach := "", cName := "" Local aAttInfo := {} Local xRet oServer := tMailManager():New() writePProString( "Mail", "Protocol", "POP3", getsrvininame() ) oServer:SetUseSSL( .T. ) xRet := oServer:Init( "", "", "username", "password", 995, 0 ) if xRet <> 0 conout( "Could not initialize mail server: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return endif xRet := oServer:POPConnect() if xRet <> 0 conout( "Could not connect on POP3 server: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return endif oServer:GetNumMsgs( @nMessages ) conout( "Number of messages: " + cValToChar( nMessages ) ) oMessage := TMailMessage():New() oMessage:Clear() conout( "Receiving newest message" ) xRet := oMessage:Receive( oServer, nMessages ) if xRet <> 0 conout( "Could not get message " + cValToChar( nMessages ) + ": " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return endif nAttach := oMessage:GetAttachCount() for nI := 1 to nAttach aAttInfo := oMessage:GetAttachInfo( nI ) cName := "\emails\" if aAttInfo[1] == "" cName += "message." + SubStr( aAttInfo[2], At( "/", aAttInfo[2] ) + 1, Len( aAttInfo[2] ) ) else cName += aAttInfo[1] endif conout( "Saving attachment " + cValToChar( nI ) + ": " + cName ) cAttach := oMessage:GetAttach( nI ) xRet := MemoWrite( cName, cAttach ) if !xRet conout( "Could not save attachment " + cValToChar( nI ) ) endif next nI xRet := oServer:POPDisconnect() if xRet <> 0 conout( "Could not disconnect from POP3 server: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) endif return
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