Meet the needs of Legal Departments of companies to Manage Contingencies, Power of Attorneys and Societal Documents, and facilitate the relationship with partner offices and provide greater synergy between Accounting and Human Resources.
Provide great organization and management of information belonging to the company's sectors and businesses, increasing the reach of the Legal Department, aligning it to the company's business strategy, making it the holder of information required in strategic decision making, independently from other offices.
Apart from following up processes with constantly updated data, it allows total control over the value of services provided.
This way, it offers the following results:
Technical Data
Some features that enable the system administrator to customize the system according to its needs:
The feature Attachment makes it possible to attach a document via GED (Electronic Document Manager) and you may add it to any routine.
To use this routine you must integrate the tool Interwoven and Microsiga through a Delphi project (DLL for integration between languages).
The folder GEDIntegration is used to save the project.
This folder contains the directory structure Repository\FrameWork\Components\Imanage to add the Interwoven Delphi components.
The name of the DLL generated is SIGAGEDW.dll and it is located on the same folder as the executable file TotvsSmartClient.exe.
Feature - Attachment | |
Open | Display a document, already attached, for you to read. |
Import | Display screen with documents, allowing you to select a document and attach it to the routine. Select a document from the local machine, import it to the worksite and to attach it to the record. |
Attach | Display the screen with the documents, allowing you to select a document and attach it to the routine. Select a document already imported in the worksite to attach it to a record. |
Unattach | Delete attached documents. |
Exit | Exit the Attachment screen. |
Completion Rules
Routine Caption
Field Grouping
The system offers a specific search by key word in some routines of the system, which allows you to search the columns listed in the query without needing to select an index, use special characters or lower/upper case letters.
You may edit parameters in the routine Parameters of the Configurator module.
Parameters used in the Legal Management module of Microsiga Protheus® are:
Name | Description | Content |
Code of company for integration with ECM. |
Enter password of user with administration privilege on ECM. |
Enter URL of integration with ECM. |
User with administration privilege on ECM. |
Parameter name | Description | Default Content |
MV_JAJUENC | Define which reason to enter to add stages to closed processes |
Use scope control of the Purchase module? 1-Yes 2-No |
2 |
Adjust contract information when editing client's default data? .T. True - Adjustment .F. False – No adjustment. |
.T. |
MV_JANDAUT | Receive stages automatically. 1-Yes; 2-No | 2 |
Restrict manipulation of entries regarding stages? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
MV_JANDEXC | Define if it stops receiving stages automatically when the process finishes 1-Yes; 2-No. | 1 |
Enter default Approval Group used in Guarantee approval. |
Display message to confirm field update when registering a stage as temporary injunction? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JATOAUT | Code of procedural act used to include Stages automatically. | |
Enable evaluation of participation of accredited attorneys, involved parties, and representatives on follow-up? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Block record addition/edition when the date is before distribution date? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
Block record addition/edition when the date is after current date? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
2 |
Allow including follow-ups in weekends and holidays? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Block edition of Prognosis and Object fields when the process in an Incident? .T. True - Block .F. False – No block. |
.F. |
Define percentage for grid in a FMWBrowse in SIGAJURI for resolutions 800, 1024 and 120 DPIs. |
60,70,80 |
Enter code of bank branch indicated upon creation of automatic surveys when financial/accounting integration is active. |
MV_JCASO1 | Define numbering sequence of Case. 1-By client; 2-Regardless of client. | 1 |
MV_JCASO2 | Reuse blanks in numbering? .T. True - Reuse .F. False – Do not reuse | .F. |
Preserve number of original Case in case relocation? .T. True - Maintain .F. False – Do not maintain. |
.F. |
Model path of html of correspondent acceptance workflow. |
Enter code of bank when creating automatic survey with active financial/accounting integration. Example: 033 (Santander Bank) |
Enter number of checking account indicated upon creation of automatic surveys when financial/accounting integration is active. |
Code of correspondent acceptance workflow process registered in workflow configurator. |
000001 |
Indicate of search settings have Fixed or Configurable fields. .T. True - Fixed .F. False – Configurable. |
.F. |
Enter number of months prior to the due date of the grant to calculate the final date of the protocol. |
12 |
Enter number of months prior to the due date of the grant to calculate the initial date of the protocol. |
6 |
Code of currency - if not entered - used on provision update in Legal Matter. |
01 |
What is the financial nature of the indexation and interest values of the surveys? Example: 01NATLEV |
Define if Crystal report is generated by Server or Smartclient. .T. True - Server; .F. False – Smartclient. (Discontinued after deployment of FWMSPrinter technology) |
.F. |
Is the accounting of surveys via Accounting or Financial module? 1- Accounting; 2 - Financial. |
1 |
What is the type of bill for indexation and interest values of surveys? |
Enter Ledger Account used for clients' expenses. |
MV_JDISURL | Enter address of distribution webservices. | |
MV_jDISUSR | Enter login which will receive distributions. | |
Document ID Code in root folder where Legal documents structure is created. |
Enter type of attachment integration: 1-Worksite; 2-Knowledge base. 3-Fluig |
1 |
Number of days to enter closing date. |
Number of days to enter entry date. |
0 |
You must enter the fields: Date, Currency, and Amount? Yes; No. |
1 |
Define type of proceeding termination when registering an Agreement. 1- Automatic; 2 - Manual. |
2 |
Automatically close when process finishes? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Close Incidents automatically? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Enable fixed registration of involved parties from external entity information? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
1 |
Indicate if registration of Involved parties is fixed, thus requiring entering Client and Store. 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Enable custom export by type of Legal Matter? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Name of folders created from the Case folder. (separate names with ;) |
Is the field Funds Request of the Order with Value filtered by the Legal Matter object? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Is the integration with Fluig active? 2=Yes; 2=No |
2 |
Correspondent flow by follow-up or Legal Matter? 1 - Follow-up; 2 - Legal Matter |
1 |
Do you have to enter Billing Office and Fee Table in the customer's register due to integration between JURI and PFS? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Enable document update between bases? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Is the invoice broken down when the amount exceeds the amount in the contract? .T. True – Ask operator; .F. False - Do not ask operator. |
.T. |
Is the invoice broken down when the amount is lower than the amount in the contract? .T. True – Ask operator; .F. False - Do not ask operator. |
.T. |
Define name of database for documents in progress. | |
Define name of database for closed documents. | |
Define .dll for integration with GED (Worksite). | SIGAGEDW.dll |
Define Server for closed documents. | |
Define GED Server (WORKSITE). | |
Enable Trust Login on integration with GED (WORKSITE)? .T. True; .F. False |
.T. |
Enable Stage search screen? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JHBPESD | Enable Cost and Expense search screen? 1-Yes; 2-No |
2 |
Enable Follow-up search screen? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Enable Guarantee/Court Order search screen? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Remove dash and use grouping line in custom export? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
Enable automatic document import? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
Path with image displayed in the correspondent acceptance workflow html. | |
Indicate password used to download index updates from TOTVS repository | |
Indicate user/login used to download index updates from TOTVS repository | |
MV_JINDPSW | Indicate password used to download index updates from TOTVS repository | |
Does the publication imported to Stage Register as Sentence have the field Instance completed with the current Instance? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Integrate with HR? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Enable legal base integration? 1 - Active; 2 - Inactive |
2 |
Use integration of values with Financial and Accounting modules? 1- Yes; 2 - No |
2 |
Define password to connect with Kurier Webservice. | |
Define a Kurier Webservice URL for connection. | |
Define a user for Kurier Webservice connection. | |
MV_JLEVGAR | Close process only when judicial amount of Guarantee is zero (0)? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
MV_JLFORNT | Which is the supply store to enter in automatic creation of recoveries with active financial/accounting integration? | |
MV_JNATDES | Indicate nature of expense used when saving bill to Accounts Payable. | |
MV_JNATGAR | Indicate nature of guarantee used when saving bill to Accounts Payable. | IRF |
MV_JNRCCAS | Define code of field Custom of GED (WORKSITE) Case. | |
MV_JNRCCLI | Define code of field Custom of GED (WORKSITE) Client. | |
MV_JNT4CLI | Show clients the stages when importing publication? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
MV_JNT4FAS | Enter code of Procedural Stage used in publication import. | 001 |
MV_JNUCLI | Use gaps in Client numbering? .T. True - Use .F. False – Do not use. |
.T. |
MV_JNUMCNJ | Validate CNJ number in case number? 1=Yes; 2=No. |
2 |
MV_JNUMPRO | Block entering case number twice? 1- Enable; 2 - Disable. |
2 |
MV_JOBRENC | Is the completion of fields in the Closing tab mandatory? 1- Yes; 2 - No |
2 |
MV_JOBRENV | Completing fields Client and Store in Involved Party is mandatory: 1-Enabled; 2-Disabled. |
2 |
MV_JORDENA | Enter search order and process report: 1-Client\Store\Case; 2-Author\Defendant. |
1 |
MV_JPERLEV | What is the percentage over guarantee amount allowed in survey. | |
MV_JPESPEC | Enable field General Search to filter information of Proceeding Number; Name of Involved Party and Object Detailing in research and projects. 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
MV_JPROCFW | Suggest inclusion of a follow-up after process registration? | 2 |
MV_JPWDEXT | User password to attach documents in worksite through SmartClientHTML (External). | |
MV_JQMES1A | Number of months to estimate the end of the proceeding, from the date of 1st instance. | |
MV_JQMES2A | Number of months to estimate the end of the proceeding, from the date of 2nd instance. | |
MV_JQMESDT | Number of months to estimate the end of the proceeding, from the distribution date. | |
MV_JQMESTS | Number of months to estimate the end of the proceeding, from the date of Superior Court sentence. | |
MV_JQTDIAC | Number of days to accept correspondent when a follow-up is sent to them. | 5 |
MV_JRELCON | Enter code of type of involvement to consider in report. If there is more than one code, separate using bars (/). |
MV_JRESUFW | Define a default code for follow-up outcome to add. | 001 |
MV_JRSTCAD | Enter if basic register restriction is active. 1-Yes; 2-No. |
1 |
MV_JRTPAS | Restrict by Type of Legal Matter when searching proceedings to attach? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
MV_JSIWFCO | Path of site opened when you click on the image of the correspondent acceptance workflow html. | |
MV_JSOCAND | Enter code of Involved Party Status register as: In Progress. | |
MV_JSUGPRO | Automatically suggest prognostic according to object? 1- Yes; 2 - No.. |
2 |
MV_JTER95B | Enter code of Type of Involvement for corporate report. If there is more than one code, separate using bars (/). Example: 01/02/03. |
MV_JTETVCO | Enter code of type of involvement to hold concessions. If there is more than one code, separate using bars (/). Example: 01/02/03/04 |
MV_JTHEDTM | Record Overtime (OT) on the day of first register, when type of overtime of the next day is the same and the content of parameter MV_APHEDTM is S? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
MV_JTLATVR | Enter which screen the system displays for update when you register a stage as sentence. 1-Process values; 2-Values in discussion. |
MV_JTPANAU | Operation method of automatic progress routine. 1-By proceeding; 2-By instance. | 1 |
MV_JTPDOC | Enter type of legal document; <R> Network; <G> GED (Worksite). |
G |
MV_JTPENAC | Enter which code of closing reason to suggest when a new agreement is entered. |
MV_JTPIMP | Enter type used in file import: 1-XML; 2-Kurier; 3-Both; |
MV_JTPLEAU | Enter code of Type used in the Automatic Guarantee Survey. |
MV_JTPSGAR | Enter Type of Relationship between guarantee and court order to calculate judicial balance: 1 - With attachment; 2 - No attachment. |
1 |
MV_JTRFWDR | Block retroactive follow-up? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTRVADT | Block inclusion of Stages with date before or after distribution date? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTRVEMP | Lock field Company in Involved Parties screen when option Client says 'No'? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
2 |
MV_JTVCONC | Enable locking Concessions per Partner? 1-Yes; 2-No |
MV_JTVENAN | Block operations on Stage screen when the process closes? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENDP | Block operations on Expense screen when process closes? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENFW | Block operations on the Follow-up screen when the process closes? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENGA | Block operations on the Guarantee screen when the process closes? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENJF | Enable justified editing of screens blocked in Process Closing? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENPD | Block operations on the Orders screen when the process closes? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENPH | Block operations on the HR Docs Order when the process closes? 1-Yes; 2-No. |
1 |
MV_JTVENPR | Block operations on the Process screen when it is closed? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JVLPROV | Indicate if the provision amount is the amount indicated in the Process (1) or if it comes from the orders' value screen (2) |
MV_JTVRSEN | Does the system display the confirmation message to update values when you register a Stage as Sentence? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JURHS1 | Enable saving histories? .T. True - Yes .F. False – No. |
.T. |
MV_JURHS2 | Edit registers / adjust history from previous month? .T. True – Year-Month before the current one. .F. False – Current year/month and updated histories are cleared. |
.T. |
MV_JURHS3 | Use history for Client/Case participations? .T. True - Use .F. False – Do not use. |
.T. |
MV_JURLAN1 | Enter number of business days to enter expenses of closed cases. |
10 |
MV_JUSREXT | User to attach documents in worksite through SmartClientHTML (External). |
MV_JVINCAF | Enable association between Stages and Follow-ups? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
1 |
MV_JVLENOB | Is completing the field Involved Value mandatory? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
MV_JVLHIST | Indicate if indexation historic values are saved. 1-Yes, 2-No. |
1 |
MV_JVLPROV | Indicate if the provision amount is the amount indicated in the Process (1) or if it comes from the orders' value screen (2). |
1 |
MV_JVLRCO | Define if simplified or complete version with all tabs is used in the value/orders screen. 1-Complete; 2-Simplified. |
2 |
MV_JWFAPRV | Parameter that records the ID of the workflow of activity approval created on Fluig. |
MV_JWFCONS | Parameter that records the ID of the workflow of activity query/opinions inclusion created on Fluig. |
MV_JWSPESQ | Activate Client/Case filter on GED (WORKSITE) search? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Name | Description | Content |
MV_MCUSTO | Is the currency used for checking credit limit the same entered in Client Register? 1- Yes; 2 - No. |
2 |
Name | Description | Content |
MV_SABFERI | Consider Saturdays as holidays when using ValidDate() |
S |
Name | Description | Content |
MV_WFBFERI | IP ou nome do servidor HTTP |
127.0.01 |
Menu options are:
Legal Matters
Related Parts
Correspondent Law Firm
Menu options are:
Menu options are: