Páginas filhas
  • Stage 1 - Documents Collected - (FINA087A - SIGAFIN)

At this stage, the documents collected must be entered, such as checks, cash, credit card, debit card, etc.


To enter the documents collected:

  1. Enter the receipt number, issue date, and customer code.

The Nature field determines which bills can be selected through this receipt. If there is an ITF levy, only bills with a Nature with levy can be selected. It is the same rule for a Nature without ITF levy, which only enables bills with a Nature without ITF levy to be selected.

The Currency Grid area, with rates according to the date entered, is displayed on the right side of the window.

2. Check the rates and edit them, if necessary.

3. Then, enter the documents collected. It is important to observe the fields Value Type, Currency, and Credit Type, as follows:

  • Immediate - Used when the credit is in cash or banker's check.
  • Due date - Used when the credit is in check.
  • To Credit - Used when the credit will be posted a second time. The creation of a new bill will only occur for checks and credit cards.
  • Tax - Used in case of Tax Withholdings for localized countries.

4. Check if the amount collected and the balance are correct in the Currency Grid.

The following information is displayed in the Currency Grid: name of the currencies being used, exchange rates (will be either automatically retrieved from the Currency File or manually entered), total collected in each currency, and the corresponding balance.

Note that the documents collected can be used to post bills from other stores or even other customers. Therefore, the customer entered is the holder of the documents collected, but not necessarily of the bills posted.

Credit Card

Credit Type:

  • Immediate/Due Date: The selected bills are posted, and a new CC-type bill will be generated against the financial company. This new bill will already be posted, and a CC-type post transaction will be recorded for it.
  • To credit: The selected bills are posted, and a new CC-type bill will be generated against the financial company. This new bill will be generated with the status Open without transactions, waiting to be posted when the payment is made by the financial company.

Debit Card

  • The selected bills will be posted, and a posting transaction of the CD type will be generated. No bill will be generated against the financial company for Debit Card.

    To edit the credit date in Debit Card transactions:

    Set the parameter: Edit Date ? to Yes in the routine's initial parameters. 

    This will enable editing the Issuance field of the receipt, which can be posted on the selected date. 

    Card Companies selection screen

    When you select Credit Card or Debit Card, on this screen you can select the Credit or Debit Card companies (SAE Table) of type CD or CC.

Interest Value and Fine Value fields

The Interest Value and Fine Value fields in the Receipt step are purely informational.

These values are not considered when selecting documents for posting.

Entering interest and fine in the stage of selecting documents for posting

In the bill selection stage, interest and fine can be entered for each selected bill:

Next Stage.