Páginas filhas
  • Stage 2 - Choosing Customers for Posting (FINA087A - SIGAFIN)

At this stage, you must choose the customer(s) to be considered to select the bills to be posted.

This selection may vary according to the opening parameter Filter Customers, where:

  • Code + Store - indicates that this stage will display only the customer selected for generating the Miscellaneous Collections Document in stage 1.
  • Code - allows the selection of any customer with the same code as chosen in stage 1, irrespective of its store.
  • Do not filter - allows the selection of any customer, irrespective of its code or store. The bills that will be available to be posted in the next stage will be listed directly with the customers checked in stage 2.


To select customers:

  1. Check the customers whose bills will be posted by double-clicking them until the sign appears.
  2. To invert the selection, that is, to check or clear a customer, click Invert Selection.

Next Stage.