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Check out the news in the update 1.5.11





Assume multiple tasks at once in Pool

You asked for greater productivity and we have provided it. Assuming responsibility for requests sent to a group or a role has become much more practical with the new Assume in block option at the Task central. Just access the tasks tab in Pool for the desired group/role, select the tasks and assume them with a single click!

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titleDon't forget the Web Services

Do you want to automate the assume tasks procedure? Use the assumeProcessTask and assumeProcessTasks methods available in fluig API.


In order to ensure that the Attachment Security control process is simple, we are providing the new assignment mechanism By All Users. This mechanism allows you to define general permissions to publish, edit and remove attachments in requests, which will be applied to all platform users in a much more practical way.

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titleStay tuned

The new assignment mechanism By All Users is only available for Attachment Security setting.


Use the same security settings for add-ons included via Web Service

Now, when you include add-ons in requests using the setTasksComments method from Web Service WokflowEngineService, the platform will consider the same add-on security settings as those defined in the process properties. This way, it is possible to allow more individuals to include add-ons in a request via Web Service, making the processes more dynamic and collaborative.



The add-on security setting is applied for each process, allowing the person responsible for the process to choose the best option for each demand by enabling the “Allow request add-ons?” option under the General tab of the process Properties. The following options are available:

  • Requester, persons responsible for the activity, and manager;
  • All process participants and manager;
  • All users (only for public processes).

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Discover the most popular tags with the new Tags Cloud widget


Deck of Cards
idTag cloud

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By default, the new communities created from this update will already include the new widget. 



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The Tags Cloud can also be included in the fluig pages, such as Home.

labelStyle Guide

In addition to being included as a standard widget, the Tags Cloud was also made available as a new component of fluig Style Guide, allowing it to be used in the development of forms and widgets and in customizing formats, size and colors.


In order to create a tag, simply add # before the desired word. Watch the video on our YouTube channel! #tip #fluig #tags


       Through the new YouTube API used by fluig, all approved browsers will be able to play videos in HTML5 directly from the timeline, that is, no more Flash videos!


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In order to include YouTube content, just type the video URL in the share field. Fluig will detect it and include the video player automatically when the post is published.



Check out the progress of the Catalog of Course Subjects and Classes.



Visit fluig’s Online Help to learn more about the features of the Catalog of Course Subjects and Classes and the Start page of the My Learning menu.

Deck of Cards


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When accessing a course subject, the basic information about the course subject as well as all classes and template classes are displayed on the same page.



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The classes display all registered topics and topic items, in addition to basic information such as status, number of available seats and validity.

titleDon't worry...
All pieces of information and actions available in the old catalog will be included in these new pages. 


The Tracks and Training pages now have a new look!


Seeking Seeking to improve usability and performance, the tracks and training execution pages of the My Learning menu now have a new design, now much faster and intuitive to use. 

When accessing a track, all its training, testing and reaction evaluations are now displayed in a single screen, providing the student with a simpler and clearer browsing experience. The same goes for the training sessions in progress, which now centralize the contents and tests that comprise them.

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Activate specific fluig Mobile features by using forms and widgets

With the new fluig:// protocol you can add links to certain areas of fluig Mobile, such as documents, user profiles and communities, within forms, widgets and even external pages. The great advantage of this feature is the ability of redirecting these links to fluig’s native app rather than carrying them through the mobile device browser.

Furthermore, in order to make your forms even more interactive, you can now include protocols such as phone://and mailto:// in items such as forms, in order to invoke the phone and e-mail apps of the device operating system and use the geolocation feature to obtain the user coordinates and activate Waze.

titleLearn more

Learn how to implement this new feature in the documentation about the fluig:// Protocol and be sure to check the examples available on our Git directory.

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Style Guide

Your guide, much more stylish

The fluig Style Guide documentation portal now has a new look, more modern, cleaner and easier to browse, allowing a smoother and enjoyable use experience for platform developers.

Style Guide

Your guide, much more stylish

The fluig Style Guide documentation portal now has a new look, more modern, cleaner and easier to browse, allowing a smoother and enjoyable use experience for platform developers.

This portal is also more closely integrated with the other fluig first access environments, with links available at the top of the This portal is also more closely integrated with the other fluig first access environments, with links available at the top of the page for the platform’s Technical Documentation portals, APIs and Help.


Visit style.fluig.com and check out the new portal

Documentation news 

  • Control the display of features in the Home page by setting permissions, with the information available in this FAQ.
  • We have included additional information on the Drafts feature documentation in fluig Mobile Use Guide.
  • A configuration example has been included in the style Guide for the deployment of a Datatable with a REST service and the date parameter.
  • The description regarding the return of the UserVO getUser() method has been improved in the Layouts documentation.
  • In order to learn more about widget permissions, visit the new widget Permissions page in fluig Help.
  • An example of the deployment of composite zoom in custom dataset has been added to the Dataset Development documentation.
  • New recommendation on the use of keyboard events on the Android platform has been added to the Mobile form Development page.
  • New information has been added to the fluig internal Datasets documentation regarding the processTask - workflow process request Tasks.

If you use the taskObservation field for any reason – such as integrations – in platform developments in updates prior to fluig 1.5, you must take a look at this documentation.


  • Learn how to identify whether or not a checkbox field on the form is checked, using this getCardValue method example
  • .
  • Check out the new documentation, how to configure and use the  LDAP user reset unlocking server.
  • We added a new item on how to delete documents from a conversation in the documentation Using fluig Messaging.


This session lists some of the bugs that were fixed in this update to ensure everything runs smoothly on your platform. 


  • Removing the "Forgot your password?" option from the login page in environments with LDAP authentication.


  • The performance of queries made on the database during user access to the platform has been improved.
  • Spelling of the message displayed at the time of authentication, informing about the platform update.
  • Check or uncheck all notifications by e-mail or push in the user notification settings.
  • Compilation of the Elucidat artifact on the Component Center to allow the connection test of the mashup activation keys.
  • Spelling of the message displayed at the time of authentication, informing about the platform update.
  • Check or uncheck all notifications by e-mail or push in the user notification settings.
  • Compilation of the Elucidat artifact on the Component Center to allow the connection test of the mashup activation keys.
  • Use of widget developed on the platform 1.4.12 update after the implementation of the 1.5.9 update.
  • Removal of the notification sent to devices running on Windows Phone 8.1 operating system if there are no messages to be delivered via Push.
  • Correction in the display of results during the global search of documents for regular users.
  • Adjust in the date format supported by the /search/advanced method of the fluig API Searchesservices.
  • Possibility to recover the constraint sqlLimit within customized datasets.Use of widget developed on the platform 1.4.12 update after the implementation of the 1.5.9 update.


  • Inclusion of multiple files as attachments in the activities of a request using the drag and drop feature.


  • The template to send the e-mails transmitted by a Message sending activity configured in a process has been restored.
  • The registration code has been replaced by the active user name as a parameter in the search for persons responsible for the actions of the List tasks process.
  • Transaction regarding the flow of a request, via web platform, to a target activity whose description has been set as "Transfer".


  • Adjustment on the dataset return queries of forms (Database table) to filter only the active registrations whose amount exceeds one thousand records.


  • Display of the description of form fields that have special characters in the Form tab of the properties of a process.
  • Display of requests in preview mode, without showing the Discard button.
  • Title of the delayed tasks e-mail sent to the process manager.
  • Adjustment of the hAPI setTaskComments method to include data via JavaScript in Before-type events.


  • in the Form tab of the properties of a process.
  • Display of requests in preview mode, without showing the Discard button.
  • Title of the delayed tasks e-mail sent to the process manager.
  • Adjustment of the hAPI setTaskComments method to include data via JavaScript in Before-type events.
  • The display of the window for selecting the person responsible has been adjusted so it is not shown in activities whose assignment mechanism has been defined by form field but whose field has not been completed.

  • Exporting of processes after the inclusion of the script in a conditional intermediate event.
  • Implementation of the event of validateAvailableStates processes in all types of process activities, in addition to the initial activity.
titleLearn more

Check out an example of the implementation of this event.

  • Correction in the description of activities when a task is configured to be sent to the same activity via return flow and normal flow.
  • Recording of information registered on forms linked to processes, when the single Record option of the form is checked.
  • Improvement on the message when trying to access a task canceled through the notificationlink of a fluig Mobile application to iPhone/iPad and Android
titleLearn more

In addition to updating the fluig Setup on the server, you must update the application to the latest version available on the App Store or Play Store

  • Display of the Task Central to users who have pending tasks in requests with a non-existent status in the history.
  • Display of the correct startup time for busy requests moved and viewed through the fluig Mobile Task Central (iPhone/iPad and Android).
  • Implementation of the event of validateAvailableStates processes in all types of process activities, in addition to the initial activity.
titleLearn more

Check out an example of the implementation of this event.

  • Correction in the description of activities when a task is configured to be sent to the same activity via return flow and normal flow.
  • Recording of information registered on forms linked to processes, when the single Record option of the form is checked.



  • Sending of notification to the average user who requests the download of multiple documents, alerting him that the compressed file is available in the private folder.


  • Adjustment in the loading of dependencies needed to use the Zoom component filter of the Style Guide.
  • Access to the web form editor's rules page through the Mozilla Firefox browser when there are more than 160 registered rules.


  • Multiple publishing by drag and drop has been limited to up to 600 files in a ZIP folder so that the platform performance is not compromised.


  • Removal of the limit on the number of individuals listed in the Birthdays widget upon clicking the Load more button.
  • Display of the Organization Chart component of the Style Guide in web browsers whose page zoom has been set to a value other than the default (100%).


  • Improvement of the message displayed to the user during the first access, when part of the creation process has not yet been completed by the platform.
  • Submission of invitation to new users according to the language defined by the platform administrator.
  • Fix of the link to share community galleries that have been shared in other communities.

    titleLearn more

    To apply this fix, you must share the affected galleries again.


  • Check to prevent that more than one registration is linked to a single request.


  • Download of the package with the contents created from Elucidat in environments that feature this integration, after the API has been corrected by Elucidat.


  • Adjustment of the calculation made during the integration with TOTVS Educational Management and that determines the number of Class enrollment validity dates based on the difference between the class End Date and Start Date



The /api/public/ecm/dataset/search service will not load the data in Offline Mode when the request is made through the POST method, as described in the Mobile form development documentation.