Páginas filhas
  • Calculation IRPJ/CSLL Real Profit (FINA960)



This routine calculates the Income Tax (IRPJ) and the social contribution on the net profit (CSLL) for the legal entity choosing the real profit, so you can edit, view, calculate, generate bill, account, delete, reverse the generation of bill and reverse the accounting.


To recover the components of Income Tax and CSLL calculation is required to registered these managerial views:

  • Accounting result The managerial view can be the statement of results (DRE) of the company. The managerial entity of the accounting result must be selected as the result of the view.
  • Additions.
  • Deletions.
  • Clearing.
  • Deductions.


  • The only managerial view required is the Accounting Result, the others are optional.
  • The imported rows of the managerial view cannot be edited or deleted.


To add a calculation:

  1. Click  Add.
  2. A screen is displayed with the branches.
  3. Click  Ok.
  4. Fill out these required fields: Code,, Description, Type, Start Date and  End Date.
  5. In Type Value , choose the option desired 1-Transaction of Period and 2-Accrual Balance
  6. In B. Acc.Res. Select the accounting book compounding the Accounting result.
  7. To fill out the addition, enter the field  B Addition.
  8. To enter deletion, complete the field  B Deletion.
  9. To complete Deduction, enter field  B Deduction.
  10. Click Save.


Other Actions / Related Actions




In this option, calculate the IRPJ/CSLL.

Generate bill

To generate bill, complete the fields of the Financial Information tab.

Reversal bill generation

In this option, reverse the bill generation.


This option accounts the calculation.

Reverse accounting

You can reverse the accounting.


You can delete the calculation if no action has been executed.




Select the tax to be calculated:

  • IRPJ
  • CSLL

Start Date

Start date of calculation. This date is used for the processing of managerial views.

End Date

End date of calculation. This date is used for the processing of managerial views.

Value Type

Identity the type of value of the managerial views to be processed:

·   Transaction of the Period: the managerial view values are the transactions of the period between the start and end dates, defined in the calculation registration.

·   Accrued Balance: the managerial view values are accrued balances of the entity on the end date, defined in the calculation registration.

B Acc Res

This book completes the component of Accounting Result. The managerial entity of the accounting result must be selected as result of the view (CTS_TOTVIS = SIM).

B Addition

This field indicates the book completing the Addition component. You can manually add through tab  Addition, so you must recalculate it.

B Deletion

This book indicates the book completing the Deletion component. You can manually add through tab  Deletion, so you must recalculate it.

B Clearing

This field indicates the book completes the Clearing component. You can manually add through tab  Clearing, so you must recalculate it.

B Deduction

This field indicates the book completing the Deduction component. You can manually add through tab  Deduction, so you can recalculate it.

Financial Information



Prefix of the bills of tax payable.


Number of bill of tax payable.


Select the payment term of the bill of the tax payable.


Withholding code of the bill of tax payable.

Issue Dt.

Due date of bill payable

MV_UNIAOParameter used for Supplier and Store.
MV_FINNIRNature to add bill of Income Tax calculation.
MV_FINNCSNature to add bill of CSLl calculation.


  • FR4 -  IRPJ/CSLL Real Profit Calculation
  • FR5 - Calculation Calculation
  • FR6 - Calculation Bills
  • FR7 - Calculation Branches



  1. Why the total value is zero when I use the managerial view that has a formula starting with "SALDO="? A: This happens when the field Type Value (FR4_TPVAL) is equal to 1 - Transaction of the period. The formula attributes the same value to the start and the end balance, returning a zero value for transaction (end balance less start balance). To define the balance value with the formula starting with "SALDO=", enter field Type Value (FR4_TPVAL) with content 2 - Accrual balance.