Páginas filhas
  • Tax Withholding Control (FINA050 - SIGAFIN)

Tax Withholding Control - PIS COFINS, and CSLL (PCC)

Withholding of the taxes PIS, COFINS, and CSLL is controlled, preventing withholding values from being collected twice.

To control and track withholding of PCC taxes, withholding is associated, saving information in the table SFQ - Installment Binding, in the following processes:

  • Accounts Payable Issue

When an accounts payable bill is issued with PCC withholding, in cases of withholding of other pending PCC values of other bills, records of withholding binding control are generated.

  • Accounts Payable Change

In cases of change, the system checks if there is tax withholding relationship saved in the table SFQ - Installment Binding.

If the relationship exists, tax base is limited to related bills.

If the relationship does not exist, tax base is calculated according to the current bill together with pending withholding bills in the period (month).

  • Class Change

The Class field is blocked, not allowing the change. If Class change is required, the bill must be deleted and added again with another Class.

  • Change of Actual Due Date

Date change only influences tax calculation when withholding period (month) is changed.

  • Deletion

When a tax bill is deleted (with or without balance), the bond saved in the table SFQ - Installment Binding is also deleted.

By deleting a withheld bill with balance, the system suggests that the bill is written off with a reason for write-off in which there is no bank transaction.