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  • O (Parameters - SIGAFIN)



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This parameter is used to establish if a tolerance value is used for automatic write-off of receivable bills, being used when the value received is different from the original document.

Once the parameter is established, if the value received by a bill is larger than the one in the parameter, an interest value is automatically generated. Otherwise, if the value received added to the value entered in the parameter is smaller than the amount in the bills, a financial deduction is generated.


Value of the bill - 999.96, value received - 1,000.00 and MV_OSTLREC - 0.10.

In this case, when writing off the bill, entering the value received of R$ 1,000.00, as the MV_OSTLREC parameter was filled out with R$ 0.10, the system automatically writes off the bill, saving in the Interest field the value of 0.04, with no need for manual data input.