Árvore de páginas


Speaking of forms...

Forms are used to post information in a standard, simplified manner, using fields and attachments stored in a database.

To post a form, you must upload it, list the attachments and enter the general information, among other information.

A form can be an HTML document, created in an HTML editor, or can be prepared on Studio and exported to be posted on the platform. See Form Customization

 for more information.

    Create new form

    01. In the location where you wish to create the document, click on New.

    02. Click on the option Advanced form.

    Clicking on this option opens the window in which you can add a form in advanced mode.

    03. Enter a description that identifies the new form.

    04. In the Publishing files tab, find and select the document to be posted.

    Click on Select file to select a document from the workstation, or Copy ECM file to select a document that has already been posted on the platform.

    This tab allows you to transfer the document from a workstation to the platform. This upload is required, because in order to post a document, it must be initially written in the area used for the files to be posted. Although this is a single directory determined in General parameters, the platform automatically creates an upload area for each user in this directory. According to this configuration, each user views only the documents within their upload area.

    Find and select the document to be posted. If there is more than one file, select the main file and designate which ones will be its attachments.

    If you wish, select Clear upload directory when postingWhen checked, it determines that the files located in the upload directory will be deleted once the document is posted.

    05. In the General information tab, enter the required information.

    Required information:

    User that is the author of the form being posted.

    Dataset name
    Name to be assigned to the dataset that the form will become.

    Store in
    Storage format of data in the dataset. The available options are:
    - Database tables;
    - In a single table.

    List active records only
    When checked, it determines that only form records of the active version will be displayed in the dataset. This field is only enabled when filling the field "Dataset name".

    Document expires?
    When checked, this option determines that the form will expire on the date entered in the field "Valid until". If not, the form does not expire and the date entered in the field "Valid until" is not considered. This option will be displayed as checked when the field “Document expires?"– from the Parameters feature of the General tab in the Control Panel – is checked.

    Expiration period
    Time - in days - within which the form will expire.

    Valid from 
    Date from which the form will be available for users to answer it - according to their access permissions. This date allows the form’s author to schedule its viewing to the other users of the platform, as it will only be displayed as of that date. When the form is valid only as of a future date, it is displayed to the author with a red arrow that represents that is a future document. The future publication date cannot be less than the current date and the future publication does not send notification e-mails (approval, new version/review of the document etc.).

    Valid until
    The date from which the form will be considered expired when the option "Document expires?" is checked. The expiration date is suggested considering the field "Document expiration days" – from the Parameters feature under the General tab of the Control Panel – if it has a set value. If the field "Document expires" of that feature is not checked, that date is disregarded.

    Number of the start version/review of the form being posted. This field is only enabled when adding a form and when the "Manual control of the start version" field of the Parameters feature under the General tab in the Control panel is checked. When the Control panel field is not checked, the version/review "1000" is automatically assigned to the form, and you cannot change it. This field format is numeric (999,999) and the first three numbers represent the version and the other three represent the review. After the first publication, the platform automatically controls the progress of the versions and reviews, and numbers cannot be changed. After the first publication, the platform automatically controls the progress of the versions and reviews, and numbers cannot be changed. As you select this field, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date is changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version/review.


    It is important to note that form versions cannot be deleted. In addition, this action is not available for completed requests.
    Changes to forms linked to processes are only completed in new requests – the same form version is maintained for requests in progress.

    Icon type
    Graphic element to represent the form.

    Allow more than one form record per user
    When checked, this option determines that a user can reply to the same form more than once, if necessary.

    Version/review description
    Description for the current form version/review.

    Brief description with relevant information about the form.

    Labels assigned to the form for easy searching later.

    06. Click on the Main description of form records and define the required information.

    Required information:

    Use default description
    When checked, it determines that the description of the form records is the default one, that is, the date on which it was replied to and the name of the user who replied to it.

    Change all active form records to the last update date
    When checked, it determines that the description of the active form records will be changed to the default description (date + user who answered the form) considering the date of the last update made to the form record. This option is displayed only when you check the option "Use default description" as you edit the properties of a form that until then used a field as description of its records.

    Change the description in all active form records
    When checked, it determines that the description of all active form records will be changed in order to contain the value of the selected field, replacing the default description. This option is displayed only when you uncheck the option "Use default description" as you edit the properties of a form that until then used the default description in its records.

    Select a field for form registration description
    Field to be the description of the form records. The fields on the form are only enabled for selection when the field "Use default description" is unchecked.

    07. Click on the Approval tab and define the approval criteria for the document.

    This tab is only displayed if the folder in which the document is being created does not have approval criteria. For more information about the procedure, see Define approval criteria for folder or document.

    08. Click on the Security tab and define the security criteria for the document.

    For more information about the procedure, see Define security criteria for folder or document.

    09. Click on the Datasets on the form tab.

    10. Click on Link dataset as offline.

    11. In the field shown, select the dataset that will be related to the form as offline.

    To exclude a dataset that has been added, simply click on the bin icon, located to the right of the dataset name.

    12. Click on Confirm.

    Access form

    01. Find and click on the name of the form you wish to access.

    02. View form records.

    Request additional permission for a form

    01. Find the form for which you wish to request additional permissions.

    02. Place the mouse over the form name.

    03. Click on Request additional permissions, located in the table displayed with the form's general information.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can request additional permissions for the form. For more information, see Request additional permission for a folder or document.

    View form attachments

    01. Find the form for which you wish to view the attachments.

    02. Click on View attachments, located to the right of the form name and represented by a paper clip.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can view the form attachments. For more information, see View document attachments.

    Define priority for a form

    To perform this action, the Priority column must be displayed. If it is not, check the View priority of folder content item.

     See image

    01. Find the form for which you wish to define priority.

    02. In the Priority column, click on the space corresponding to priority.

    03Enter a numeric priority for the form and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

    The prioritization of folders or documents is used exclusively to sort them by priority in the documents browsing. You can define the priority for all document types that can be posted.

    To view the content of a folder sorted by its priority, simply click on the Priority column. 

    Define form as a favorite

    01. Find the form that you wish to define as a favorite.

    02. Click on the Add favorite icon, represented by a star, located below the form name.

    For more information about the Favorites feature, see Define folder or document as favorite

    Rename form

    You need to have modify permission for the form in order to rename it.

    01. Find the form that you wish to rename.

    02. Click on More options, located to the right of the form name.

    03. Click on Rename.

    Edit form

    01. Find the form that you wish to edit.

    02. Click on More options, located to the right of the form name.

    03. Click on Properties.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can edit the form. For more information, see Create new form

    When editing a document a new field is displayed on this tab:

    Version control
    Version control form applied to the document. The available options are:

    • New review: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new reviewed version of the current document. It is normally used when the document has a slight change. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new review.
    • New version: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new document version. It is normally used when the document has a substantial change in content. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version.
    • Maintain version: when selected, the current document version is maintained. It is used when the current document is no longer valid and it is necessary to replace all of the current content with new, updated content. If the document requires approval, the document’s previous content continues to be displayed until the new version/review is approved. As you choose the “Maintain review” option, the contents of the document can be changed and the date that the original version was created can be maintained, without creating a new version of the document.

    04. Edit the properties which you wish.

    05. Click on Confirm.

    Restore form version

    01. Find the form for which you wish to restore an older version.

    02. Click on More options, located to the right of the form name.

    03. Click on Properties.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can restore an older version of the form. For more information, see Restore document version.

    Mirror form

    01. Find and select the form for which you wish to create a mirror document.

    02. Click on Mirror, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can finish creating a mirror document of the form. For more information, see Mirror document.

    Change form records in bulk

    01. Find and access the form containing the posted records that you wish to change in bulk.

    02. Select the form records that will be changed in bulk.

    03. Click on Bulk modification, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    Clicking on this option opens the window in which you can change the properties of multiple form records in bulk. For more information, see Changing documents in bulk.

    Filter form content

    01. Find and access the form for which you wish to filter the records.

    02. Click on More, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    03. Click on Filter.

    Clicking on this option opens the window in which you can define the data by which the form records will be filtered. For more information, see Filter content of a folder or form.

    View priority of form records

    01. Find and access the form for which you wish to view the priority of records.

    02. Click on More, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    03. Click on Show priority.

    Clicking on this option opens the Priority column, next to the Code column, in which you can view and define a numerical priority for the form records, as well as sorting them by priority. To do that, simply click on the column to sort the content.

    Hide priority of form records

    01. Find and access the form for which you wish to hide the priority of the content.

    02. Click on More, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    03. Click on Hide priority.

    Clicking on this option hides the Priority column for the form records.

    Add record to the form

    01. Find and access the form for which you wish to add a record.

    02. Click on New and select the option Form record.

    Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can add a form record. For more information, see Form record.

    Delete form

    01. Find and select the form you wish to delete.

    02. Click on More, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

    03. Click on Remove.

    Clicking on this option opens a message stating that the form has been deleted. However, it is only deleted from the document browsing structure, and will remain in the Bin. When Quota control is active, the space occupied by the form in the folder will be freed only when the form is deleted from the Bin. For more information on how to restore or definitively delete the form from the platform, go to the Bin.

    Please note!

    This documentation is valid as of the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.