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Linha Microsiga Protheus - Inglês
Páginas filhas
Controllership - Fixed Assets - Protheus 12
Entry Points - Controllership - Fixed Assets - P12
A36EMBRA - Enter the correction rate of the posting value
A126EDGRV() - Edit the data to be saved
Archive - AF030AUTBT – Customization of the parameters screen of the automatic cancelation posting – 110341
AF8GRAVA - Saving of table AF8
AF010AIN - Allow data manipulation when adding the Asset
AF010CHP - Manipulate the reg. no. when entering it, and validate it
AF010EXC - Delete Assets
AF010LOK - Validate the getdados row
AF010TOK - Validation of the data entered when adding the asset
AF030DEP() - Ignore the last depreciation calculation
AF030VAL() - Manipulate asset posting values
AF035VAL() - Manipulate asset posting values
AF36AFIL - Creation of asset filters to select in the batch asset posting screen
AF036AUTBT - Inclusion of customized option in the Related Actions menu of the batch asset postings screen
AF036BRW - Browse filter of the Asset Posting routine
AF036CPR - Pre-saving of the asset posting cancelation data
AF036DEP() - Ignore the last depreciation calculation
AF036PRC - Pre-saving of the asset posting form
AF036VAL - Treatment of the sale value when saving the asset posting record
AF040BAD - Set data of the new asset
AF040BAI - Change of data after saving
AF060BRW - Entry point to filter the initial browse
AF060BUT - Entry point to create user button
AF060CHA - Entry point run after screen preparation
AF060FIL - Customization of the Asset Transfer filter
AF060GAT - Trigger in the asset transfer routine
AF060GSN4 - Entry point that allows user interaction
AF060TOK PE ATFA060 Transfer - Inclusion of Validations with the data model in linhaOK of the routine
AF060Val - Asset validation when it already exists in the target branch
AF060VLAU - Validate item selection screen in the automatic transfer
AF126TOK - Transfer Approval Validation
AF130EXC - Value deletion in the SPEDPIS/COFINS calculation base in record F130
AF140GRV E.P. Changes in File SN3
AF240BUT - Add New Buttons to Asset Classification
AF240CLA - Change Data After Saving
AF251EAC() - Handling of aCols of routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251FILTR() - Handle default filter for Asset Acquisition by Transfer
AF251GrImp PE Acquisition by Transfer ATFA251 - Handling of Taxes to be Apportioned
AF251HCOMP E.P. to handle the display of tab complements in routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251ICMS - Custom ICMS validation of routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251TIP - Validate Field N3_TIPO
AF251TOK - Validate Acquisition by Transfer
AF320EDT - Edit user fields in GetDados
AF321EDT - Edit user fields in GetDados
Assets ATFA010 - Obsolete Entry Points
AT010GRV - Save Addition/Editing of Asset
AT010SN1 - Enable Fields in Update of Fixed Assets
ATF010SAL - Customization of Asset Inclusion Validation
ATF012SAL E.P. Handling Asset Type, Balance Type and Depreciation Type Acquisition by Transfer
ATF060GRV EP Transfer ATFA060 - Saving Additional Data
ATF126GRV - Handling of Data for Request Analysis
ATF370VLD - Validate Offline Booking of Asset
ATFA036 - Loading of Manual Asset Posting Screen
ATFA036L - Full Validation of Form for Asset Posting in Batches (Form + grid)
ATFA036L - Loading of Asset Posting in Batches Screen
ATFA036 - Data validation of form for asset posting and asset posting cancellation
ATFASLD() - Handling of Variable cTipoImob
ATFXOCOR() - Aims to handle the variable cOcorr that controls the reason for posting
DT PE DEPRECQRY - Handle Search Query Record F120
DT A010BRWT/A012BRWT Add Filter to the Browser
DT A251GRSN4 Handling of Saved SN4
DT AF010DEL Validation After Deletion
DT AF050FPR - Disregard assets to be depreciated in Monthly Calculation
DT AF240BRT/AF240BRW Add filter to the browser
DT F010VldDel Substitution of Default Validations
DT EP AF171FILTR Handling of Accelerated Depreciation Filter
DT EP EXISTESPEC Fixed Asset Default Initializer F1_ESPECIE/FN9_ESPECI BRA
DT EP F120CUST Fixed Assets entry point record saving in work table to use in file EFD Contributions Record F120_F130 BRA
RSP100EX - Allow validations before deleting job openings
RSPA100INC - Allow Editing the job openings register after adding/editing
RSPALTLEG - User-defined captions
DT PE AF150AMP - After Processing the Expansion of the Asset
AF012CHP - Handling of "Registration Number" field in the Fixed Assets module.
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Reference Document
Protheus 12
Controllership - Protheus 12
Controllership - Fixed Assets - Protheus 12
Fluxo de trabalho
Confirmação de leitura
Entry Points - Controllership - Fixed Assets - P12
Criado por
Usuário desconhecido (thayna.souza)
, última alteração por
Otto Alexandre Monteiro Altorfer
01 set, 2023
A36EMBRA - Enter the correction rate of the posting value
A126EDGRV() - Edit the data to be saved
Archive - AF030AUTBT – Customization of the parameters screen of the automatic cancelation posting – 110341
AF8GRAVA - Saving of table AF8
AF010AIN - Allow data manipulation when adding the Asset
AF010CHP - Manipulate the reg. no. when entering it, and validate it
AF010EXC - Delete Assets
AF010LOK - Validate the getdados row
AF010TOK - Validation of the data entered when adding the asset
AF030DEP() - Ignore the last depreciation calculation
AF030VAL() - Manipulate asset posting values
AF035VAL() - Manipulate asset posting values
AF36AFIL - Creation of asset filters to select in the batch asset posting screen
AF036AUTBT - Inclusion of customized option in the Related Actions menu of the batch asset postings screen
AF036BRW - Browse filter of the Asset Posting routine
AF036CPR - Pre-saving of the asset posting cancelation data
AF036DEP() - Ignore the last depreciation calculation
AF036PRC - Pre-saving of the asset posting form
AF036VAL - Treatment of the sale value when saving the asset posting record
AF040BAD - Set data of the new asset
AF040BAI - Change of data after saving
AF060BRW - Entry point to filter the initial browse
AF060BUT - Entry point to create user button
AF060CHA - Entry point run after screen preparation
AF060FIL - Customization of the Asset Transfer filter
AF060GAT - Trigger in the asset transfer routine
AF060GSN4 - Entry point that allows user interaction
AF060TOK PE ATFA060 Transfer - Inclusion of Validations with the data model in linhaOK of the routine
AF060Val - Asset validation when it already exists in the target branch
AF060VLAU - Validate item selection screen in the automatic transfer
AF126TOK - Transfer Approval Validation
AF130EXC - Value deletion in the SPEDPIS/COFINS calculation base in record F130
AF140GRV E.P. Changes in File SN3
AF240BUT - Add New Buttons to Asset Classification
AF240CLA - Change Data After Saving
AF251EAC() - Handling of aCols of routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251FILTR() - Handle default filter for Asset Acquisition by Transfer
AF251GrImp PE Acquisition by Transfer ATFA251 - Handling of Taxes to be Apportioned
AF251HCOMP E.P. to handle the display of tab complements in routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251ICMS - Custom ICMS validation of routine Acquisition by Transfer
AF251TIP - Validate Field N3_TIPO
AF251TOK - Validate Acquisition by Transfer
AF320EDT - Edit user fields in GetDados
AF321EDT - Edit user fields in GetDados
Assets ATFA010 - Obsolete Entry Points
AT010GRV - Save Addition/Editing of Asset
AT010SN1 - Enable Fields in Update of Fixed Assets
ATF010SAL - Customization of Asset Inclusion Validation
ATF012SAL E.P. Handling Asset Type, Balance Type and Depreciation Type Acquisition by Transfer
ATF060GRV EP Transfer ATFA060 - Saving Additional Data
ATF126GRV - Handling of Data for Request Analysis
ATF370VLD - Validate Offline Booking of Asset
ATFA036 - Loading of Manual Asset Posting Screen
ATFA036L - Full Validation of Form for Asset Posting in Batches (Form + grid)
ATFA036L - Loading of Asset Posting in Batches Screen
ATFA036 - Data validation of form for asset posting and asset posting cancellation
ATFASLD() - Handling of Variable cTipoImob
ATFXOCOR() - Aims to handle the variable cOcorr that controls the reason for posting
DT PE DEPRECQRY - Handle Search Query Record F120
DT A010BRWT/A012BRWT Add Filter to the Browser
DT A251GRSN4 Handling of Saved SN4
DT AF010DEL Validation After Deletion
DT AF050FPR - Disregard assets to be depreciated in Monthly Calculation
DT AF240BRT/AF240BRW Add filter to the browser
DT F010VldDel Substitution of Default Validations
DT EP AF171FILTR Handling of Accelerated Depreciation Filter
DT EP EXISTESPEC Fixed Asset Default Initializer F1_ESPECIE/FN9_ESPECI BRA
DT EP F120CUST Fixed Assets entry point record saving in work table to use in file EFD Contributions Record F120_F130 BRA
RSP100EX - Allow validations before deleting job openings
RSPA100INC - Allow Editing the job openings register after adding/editing
RSPALTLEG - User-defined captions
DT PE AF150AMP - After Processing the Expansion of the Asset
AF012CHP - Handling of "Registration Number" field in the Fixed Assets module.
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