Product: | TOTVS Backoffice |
Product Line: | Microsiga Protheus Line |
Industry: | Services |
Module: | TOTVS Backoffice (Protheus Line) - Fixed Asset (SIGAFIS) |
Function: | Assets - ATFA012/ Transfer - ATFA060 |
Country: | Brazil |
Ticket: | Internal |
Requirement/Story/Issue: | DSERCTR1-33685 |
This document aims to explain the entry point F010VldDel.
This EP is executed to substitute the routine for validation and deletion of the asset. It must return TRUE(.T.) to proceed with the deletion; otherwise, FALSE(.F.).
PE Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | Use | Mandatory |
cAlias1 | String | Alias SN3 conveyed by EP | Use of alias SN3 | Yes |
lCompra | Logical | Logical variable for control | Used for controlling when ICompra is true | Yes |
What should be returned:
Return | Type | Description | Mandatory |
lRet | Logical | Return if the asset can be deleted in accordance with validations specified in entry point | Yes |