The Sales Management Portal is available from release 12.1.33 onwards.
The Sales Management Portal is not available to the International Market.
To configure TOTVS Mingle, the Appserver must have a public IP.
The Sales Management Portal (PGV) is a Web platform for TOTVS Backoffice Protheus Line users who use the Billing module (SIGAFAT) to manage their sales.
The sales representative can use it to query their Sales Indicators, their Customers (including financial status, credit risk, bills pending and delinquency percentage in Protheus), receive Notifications on their Sales Orders and manage their Sales Orders (Add, Edit, Delete and View).
Link to the Sales Management Portal:
Here you can view a practical example of the main features of the Sales Management Portal.
The Sales Management Portal requires Microsiga Protheus® Release 12.1.33 or higher and binary files with date of dispatch equal to or after October/2021.
The Sales Management Portal requires the latest package of the Continuous Dispatch of Billing, to keep its version up to date.
REST 2.0
The Sales Management Portal uses the REST 2.0 Appserver configuration.
TOTVS Mingle Alias
To configure TOTVS Mingle, the Appserver must have a public IP.
The Sales Management Portal is a web platform integrated with the Billing module (SIGAFAT) of Microsiga Protheus®. To perform this integration, your environment must be correctly configured with the requirements listed below:
License Server
We recommend the use of the License Server dated equal to or after 6/14/2022.
To sync data, the Sales Management Portal APIs use the field S_T_A_M_P_ as a search parameter, which requires adding the key UseRowStamp in TOTVS DBAccess.
ODBC Configuration
For environments using PostgreSQL database, we recommend configuring the ODBC as documented below.
[General] Port=7890 [MSSQL] environments=environment [MSSQL/environment] UseRowStamp=1 memoinquery=1
REST Communication
Security Key
If you do not enter the Security Key in "appserver.ini", or enter the value 0 in it, your access permissions are not validated.
For further information, click here to access the reference document of the routine.
PrepareIn Key
If the PrepareIn key is pointing towards specific companies, in the Branch Change feature, you can only access the companies entered in this key. If you do not need this restriction type, keep it set to "All".
For further information, refer to the documentation by clicking here.
We recommend configuring REST as shown in the example below
[ENVIRONMENT] SourcePath=\TOTVS\apo\ RootPath=\TOTVS\Protheus_data\ StartPath=\system\ RpoDb=Top RpoLanguage=multi RegionalLanguage=BRA RpoVersion=120 dbserver=localhost dbdatabase=MSSQL dbalias=ENVIRONMENT dbport=7890 TOPMemoMega=30 [Drivers] Active=TCP MultiProtocolPort=1 multiprotocolportsecure=0 Secure=SSL [HTTPJOB] ENVIRONMENT=ENVIRONMENT MAIN=HTTP_START [HTTPREST] BUGS=0 HSM=0 MaxQueue=10 Port=8282 SECURITY=1 SSL2=0 SSL3=0 State=0 TLS1=0 URIs=HTTPURI Verbose=0 [HTTPURI] AllowOrigin=* CORSEnable=0 Instances=1,2 OnConnect=REST_CONNECT OnExit=REST_EXIT OnStart=REST_START PrepareIn=All URL=/rest/ Stateless=1 [HTTPV11] ADVPL=0 Enable=1 Sockets=HTTPREST TimeOut=120 [HTTPSERVER] Enable=0 Servers=HTTP_REST [HTTP_REST] hostname=localhost port=9995 locations=HTTP_ROOT [HTTP_ROOT] Path=/rest/ RootPath=root/web ThreadPool=THREAD_POOL [THREAD_POOL] Environment=ENVIRONMENT MinFreeThreads=1 MinThreads=1 MaxThreads=10 [OnStart] JOBS=HTTPJOB REFRESHRATE=120
TOTVS Mingle Alias
To configure TOTVS Mingle, the Appserver must have a public IP.
Enter at least one company and branch in the Mingle register.
To access the Sales Management Portal, the Sales Representative must enter the same User and Password used in TOTVS Backoffice (Protheus Line), besides entering the Alias used by the company.
For further information on the Alias, access the minimum requirements session.
After clicking the button Enter, the Sales Representative is diverted to the Initial Data Load page, which loads some settings used by the Sales Management Portal.
This load is executed only in first access or if the user is changed.
When you log onto the Sales Management Portal, the system checks whether the Protheus server version is the same found in the User Portal. If the Sales Representative (user) receives the message below, it means the Repository (RPO) must be updated by applying the latest continuous dispatch package found HERE. The user will be unable to login until the repository is updated to its most recent version.
In the toolbar, click the button with the user icon.
The toolbar is located at the top of the page.
Then, access the menu option Exit.
Risk Alert
Be careful when using the configuration parameter with the key "Security=0" because, that way, integrations (APIs) will not require authentication. Consequently, data from your environment can be queried without any authorization control.