In this section, we list the new features and fixes available in our approval environment ( that will soon be applied to the production environment.

To identify fluig Identity’s current version, you must be logged into the tool. The version information is available in the footer of fluig Identity pages, including the link to access the Release Notes.

The version indicates the build number generated in our continuous release mechanism. For example: release-247 refers to release 247 of the approval environment.

August 2018


Available on 08/28/2018



Available on 08/14/2018



Available on 08/09/2018


July 2018


Available on 07/30/2018

Infrastructure improvements to make fluig Identity even more resilient

Now fluig Identity is hosted in a container structure, which represents a major evolution in the architecture of the tool and will provide stability and scalability improvements, benefiting our customers and users.


Available on 07/24/2018



Available on 07/12/2018


June 2018


Available on 06/26/2018



Available on 06/15/2018



Available on 06/13/2018


May 2018


Available on 05/29/2018



Available on 05/19/2018

Easily renew the SAML certificate for your context in Identity fluig

Every context created in fluig Identity has a SAML certificate, which is used to authorize users with applications that support this protocol. After a certain period, the SAML certificate expires and must be renewed by the context administrator.

Contexts created in fluig Identity prior to this update have 5-year validity certificates. Contexts created from now on will have 10-year validity certificates.

To streamline this process, the SAML Certificate section on the Security page now displays the certificate’s creation or renewal date and its expiration date. In addition, administrators can quickly renew SAML certificates for a period of 10 years through the Renew certificate option.

After the certificate is renewed, it must be updated on SAML applications integrated with Identity, such as fluig, Zendesk and TOTVS ERPs, in order for users to continue accessing these applications.

Go to the tab “SAML certificate for context is about to expire. How to renew the certificate?” to learn what to do when the SAML certificate for your context is about to expire.


Available on 05/03/2018

Depreciated items

April 2018


Available on 04/24/2018



Available on 04/16/2018



Available on 05/04/2018

New login screen design

The Snowflake era in fluig Identity has come to an end. Welcome to fluig’s Waterdrop update! To keep up with the latest news about the fluig platform, the Identity login screen now has a new and sleeker look.


March 2018


Available on 03/22/2018


This fix is only compatible with fluig’s Waterdrop update (1.6.4) or higher.


Available on 03/06/2018


January 2018


Available on 01/22/2018




Available on 12/18/2017



Available on 12/14/2017



Available on 12/07/2017



Available on 12/05/2017

More protection for your company with Multi-factor Authentication + safe id application

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security method intended to ensure that the owner of the account is the only one who can access it, even if another individual discovers the password. In fluig Identity, this validation is performed by the new safe id application for iPhone and Android.

Image 12 05 002_macbookgrey_front.png

To configure it, all you have to do is download safe id from your smartphone store and scan the code provided by fluig Identity. Access to the company will be protected by an additional layer of security, but is quite simple: fluig Identity will require the token generated by safe id to be entered after the e-mail address and password when logging on.

Simply enter the token displayed by the app to be granted access. The device is in the possession of the user, who is the only one who knows what the token is. (piscar o olho)

See the safe id application and Multi-Factor Authentication documentation to learn the step-by-step instructions on how to enable and configure the multi-factor authentication in your company and in the user accounts.

Accessing Identity and managing users will never be the same!

In addition to multi-factor authentication, two important fluig Identity pages now have a new look: they are more modern, improved and user-friendly. Login and Manage User

The new Login screen not only has a new look, but is much faster than the previous one! Load time between the server and the browser has decreased by about 50%, whereas element display on the page is up to 27% more efficient.


The Manage User page has all the features from the previous design, but they have been rearranged and are more user-friendly - in addition to a new option to reset the account MFA settings.




Available on 11/30/2017



Available on 11/17/2017



Available on 11/14/2017

SmartSync 4.1.1: Much more efficient memory consumption

The new SmartSync 4.1.1 has been launched to relieve the pressure on the memory usage of your server. With this update, importing a large number of users or groups from Active Directory to fluig Identity will consume up to 18 times less RAM memory compared to the previous version of the tool.

In the scenario below, SmartSync is importing 5,000 users + 1,400 groups with 500 users each from Active Directory, and you can see the dramatic difference in memory consumption between the 3.0.7 and 4.1.1 versions:



Customers having trouble exporting processes and forms from fluig Studio to fluig environments integrated with Identity must update SmartSync to version 4.1.1 in order to fix this situation.

Re-importing LDAP Directory accounts with just one click

In addition to performance improvement, SmartSync 4.1.1 offers a new feature to reimport users and groups from the LDAP Directory using the Reimport All button.

This option can be useful in many situations, for example, if an AD registered user has not been imported to fluig Identity, the administrator can use this button to force resynchronization of users.



Available on 11/07/2017


Available on 11/06/2017


Available on 10/25/2017

Revamped user management

By popular demand, the Manage Users page has been visually improved and quietly adjusted in order to enhance the management of your company’s users in fluig Identity.

The time to load the list of users has been reduced, especially in companies with a large number of users, page filters were improved, and a new column featuring the account function (Basic User or Administrator) was added for easy viewing of this information.

If the security feature through secret images is used in your company, please note that the Unblock button, which was displayed after the maximum number of attempts was reached, is now displayed on the users’ individual page.



Available on 10/06/2017

New GoodData applications make it extremely simple to integrate fluig Analytics and TOTVS Analytics

To make it easier, much easier to configure access to fluig Analytics and TOTVS Analytics, we are providing a new category of applications in fluig Identity that is specific for integration with the GoodData service. Simply enter the code for the Analytics project provided by fluig (or by TOTVS), wait for the validation and save it!

Users can be directly created in the Analytics project via the Identity application. Simply assign users and groups to the application and we will manage the creation of and the association to the project for you automatically, quickly and efficiently.

Be sure to access the GoodData Applications page (in Portuguese) to learn about the requirements and know how to configure and use this new type of application.

No invitation required: users imported from Active Directory can now be enabled straight away

To optimize the process of enabling users synchronized from Active Directory, and make the entire registration process in fluig Identity more efficient, we have simplified the flow between the user import process and their first access to the context.

From now on, when the administrator of the context in fluig Identity accepts an imported user, the status of this user immediately turns to Active, and not Invited anymore.

Days waiting to receive e-mails, accessing links for authentication and searching the inbox for invitations are past history.

This rule also applies to environments integrated with OpenLDAP.


Devalued items


Available on 09/04/2017

More safety and flexibility with proxy configurations on SmartSync

Proxy servers are widely used in corporate environments to increase control and network security within a company. To assist in this task, as of the 3.0.7 update, SmartSync allows the administrator to configure the proxy settings to be used by the application to connect to AD Sync.

This new feature provides more flexibility for the administrator who, for example, wants to create specific rules for SmartSync within the network proxy.

Click here and learn how to update your installation (in Portuguese).

  • SystemDefault: This option indicates that the proxy settings of the operating system should be used by SmartSync to connect to AD Sync.


  • CustomProxy: This option allows the administrator to manually configure the proxy data using the Host, Port, Username and Password fields. If the proxy does not require authentication, the Username and Password fields should be left blank.


  • NoProxy: This option defines that SmartSync should attempt to connect directly to AD Sync without going through a proxy.


AD Sync is the service responsible for synchronizing fluig Identity with Active Directory. The AD Sync address varies depending on the environment that is used, that is, in the production environment, it is, while in the client acceptance test environment it is


Available on 08/09/2017



Available on 07/31/2017

Keep track of the associated companies through Partner reports

Fluig Identity partners can now extract reports on associated companies, containing details about the licenses assigned to applications, such as the status, persons responsible and the dates on which changes were made. To learn more, go to Partner documentation.


  1. The user logged into a company using the personal password → Tries to access another company that does not allow using the personal password → Must inform the Active Directory password.
  2. The user logged into a company using the Active Directory password → Tries to access another company → Must inform the personal password (if allowed by the company) or the Active Directory password of the company they would like to access.
  3. The user logged into a company using the personal password → Tries to access another company that allows using the personal password → Immediate access, without the need to inform the password again.

To switch between contexts on fluig Identity, you must use the company selection button located in the upper right corner of the pages, as switching contexts directly through the URL informed in the browser’s address bar is not supported.


Available on 07/13/2017



Available on 06/13/2017 

Managing licenses and credentials on fluig app

The new OAuth 2.0 Credentials and License tabs available on Fluig global application offer selected partners the opportunity to manage their customers’ licensing and OAuth authentication keys simply and quickly.

In case you are already using the Fluig application in your context on Fluig Identity, don’t worry: there is no change to the way fluig controls your application’s licenses. This feature is valid only for new licenses acquired with specific partners and will have no impact on customers who already have the integration.


Available on 05/24/2017 



Available on 05/03/2017 



Available on 04/03/2017 

Control external access to your context on fluig Identity

The new Filter for Access through External IPs is available to add further security on fluig Identity. This feature allows administrators to define addresses and/ranges of reliable external IPs, freeing access to the context only from these locations. All other accesses from IP addresses that have not been registered by the administrator will be locked.

Learn how to configure and enable this feature by accessing the documentation Filter for Access through External IPs.

Manage notifications sent by the image password reset feature.

The image password reset feature now allows you to configure when a notification will be sent by e-mail in case the user fails to reset their password. To learn more about this feature and settings, go to Enable and Configure the Service.



Available in 03/27/2017



Available in 02/06/2017



Available on 02/06/2017

Cloud communication: new e-mail server ensures security and reliability

Starting from this release, e-mail messages sent through fluig Identity will be managed by a new e-mail server. This change aims to ensure greater agility, stability and security for administrators and users of the platform when using features such as invitation submission and password retrieval.



Available on 01/24/2017 



If the situation described above occurs in the company, the administrator can adjust the name and the last name through the user management page.


Available on 01/17/2017





Available on 12/26/2016 



Available on 12/05/2016

