Páginas filhas
  • Third-Party Assets (ATFA320)

This routine allows to classify the mode of assignment of use of third-party assets such as:

  • Granting of real right of use;
  • Leasing of assets;
  • Permission to use assets.

It is also possible, through the knowledge bank, to link documents related to the mode of assignment of use, such as Terms of Real Right of Use, Contract of Leasing of Assets, and Term of Permission of Use of Assets. 

Before performing the control of third-party assets, it is necessary to register assets and determine that the asset will have third-party control through the Control Tp. field.

To control third-party assets:

  1. In Third-Party Assets, click Related Features.
  2. Select the desired option.
  3. Enter the data according to the field help instructions.
  4. Check and confirm data.

Related Actions

  • View data

Displays the third-party control data for viewing.

  • See asset

Displays the data from the immobilized asset sheet for display.

  • Update data

Changes and updates the active duration sequence row data.

  • Renew data

Renews the data of the asset in third-party control. Generates a new active duration sequence row and closes the previous row.

  • Transfer Control

It carries out the transfer of assets and terminates the control of third-party assets, allowing a new registration of third-party control for the asset. This action does not modify the status of the asset or the classification of the configured control type.

  • Delete data

Deletes a third-party asset. This action can only be performed when the asset does not have transactions such as depreciation calculations, and if it is not blocked.
When you perform this action, the asset has its status changed to locked, not allowing transactions or any types of calculations and adjustments.

  • Post asset

This carries out the posting of the third-party asset, in the cases of termination of lease, termination of loan, or termination of concession.

  • Statement

Issues the listing of the assets held by third parties, displaying: registration data of the asset, the current valued position of the asset, data of the third withholder of the assets, and data of the duration sequences.

  • Knowledge

Allows you to link documents related to the mode of assignment of use, such as Terms of Real Right of Use, Contract of Leasing of Assets, and Term of Permission of Use of Assets.

See also