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Accessing Fluig perspective

After installing the Fluig Studio, the first stage is to access the Fluig work view. For such, access the “Window” menu accessing the “Open view” sub-menu, accessing the option “other”.

 In the screen shown, select the “Fluig” view and confirm the option.

Registering Fluig server

With the Fluig view open, the first recommended step is to register the Fluig Server. In order to register a server, access the server tab on Fluig called Fluig Servers. On top of the server list icon, click with the other mouse button, opening a context menu, select the “Fluig” sub-menu and the “Fluig Server” option.


Inform the data as requested in the figure below. Passing a name, the access host (ip or name of the machine on the network), the access port and the user and password for integrating the modeling data.

Confirm the registration and double-click the recently-registered server to check the IDE access to the server.  Then, double-click. A message such as this will be shown, confirming that the operation was successful.

Creating a Fluig project


The next step is to create a Fluig Project that will host your workflow processes, forms, reports and customization scripts. In order to create a Fluig project, access the tab “Package explorer” and click with the left button on the white area in the package explorer. Select the “New” menu and the item “Fluig Project”, as shown below:


Inform the name of your project and click on finish.

Creating a diagram

With the project created, it is necessary to create the diagram itself. Expand the newly-created object. Expand the workflow folder and click with the left button. On the context menu that appears, select the “New” menu and the option “Fluig process diagram”.


On the screen that appears, inform the process name and the server you wish to use to obtain the modeling data

Confirm the data and your diagram will be created and ready for modeling.




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