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The goal of this guide is to inform the impacts, solutions and changes made in the version 1.3.0 email default templates. 


E-mail template codes have had their names changed to facilitate maintenance and for the standardization of nomenclature.


An event that was called APPROVE_TASK and had the template code TPL105, now has the code TPLAPPROVE_TASK. Note that the nomenclature pattern is prefixed TPL + (event code).

A file named TPL105-pt.html was renamed to TPLAPPROVE_TASK-pt.html

That new standard facilitated the maintenance of the template. Previously it was necessary to access the html file to map what template was being changed.



General impacts

The codes and the names of the template physical files have been changed into Fluig default.

The template HTML codes have been changed to follow a standard.

These changes can affect customers and third-party applications that use custom templates.



Default system events are pre-registered events on Fluig. Events that the client created are not considered default.



This change affects only the Fluig default events



Impacts on JAVA codes

The functions that specified any event code need to be changed to the new standard.


For example:

An event that was called APPROVE_TASK and had the template code TPL105, now has the code TPLAPPROVE_TASK. 

  • Note that the nomenclature pattern is prefixed TPL + (event code).



When the code is neither specified nor found, Fluig uses the e-mail default template.

Example of JAVA calling for the event APPROVE_TASK:

notifier.notify("APPROVE_TASK", "TPL105", parameters, recipients, "text/html");

Example of the new standard:

notifier.notify("APPROVE_TASK", "TPLAPPROVE_TASK", parameters, recipients, "text/html");


If you have questions about what the new template code is, the following EXCEL file maps the new codes with the old ones.

Mappings of updates to old templates



The templates created and customized by the customer that are not Fluig default events have not been affected.



Impacts on template physical files

The default template files have also had their names changed. Those who used the default now have their own template with the following standard:

A file named TPL105-pt.html of event APPROVE_TASK  was renamed to TPLAPPROVE_TASK-pt.html

The event APPROVE_TASK_RESPONSABLE, which had no template now has the TPLAPPROVE_TASK_RESPONSABLE-pt.html.



The templates created and customized by the customer that are not Fluig default events have not been affected.



Impacts on version 1.3.0 update

To update the Fluig installation to version 1.3.0, the default templates are moved from the folder tempaltes\tpl (template default folder) to the folder templates\tplmail_backup and the new default templates in the new version and new nomenclature pattern are added again. Therefore, if the client has changed any physical file of a default event, that file will be in the backup folder and the client will have to update the event template again.


If the client, in the previous version, changed to the event CREATE_DOCUMENT the default template file for template_create_document-pt.html. The update process will delete this file and will replace it with the new default file  TPLCREATE_DOCUMENT-pt.html and move the file template_create_document-pt.html to the backup folder. 

For the user to go back to their version, it is only necessary to update the file template_create_document-pt.html again.



The templates created and customized by the customer that are not the system default events have not been affected.






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