Páginas filhas
  • Model 1 - CTBR040 - Parameter "Divide For ?"


  1. Overview
  2. Example of use
    1. Customizable Report - R4
    2. Non-customizable Report - R3
  3. Parameter in reports
  4. Related subjects


This Reference Document clarifies parameter Divide For ? in Management Accounting reports, thus avoiding truncated values, or with asterisks, when they exceed the column size of the customized (R4) or not customized (R3) reports.


The printing of accounting reports, when column values are surpass millions, benefits from the use of report parameter "Divide by ?" with which you can divide all report values by Hundred/Thousand/Million.

    • Hundred(/100): When selected, it divides the value by 100.
    • Thousand(/1.000): When selected, it divides the value by 1,000.
    • Million(/1.000.000): When selected, it divides the value by 1,000,000.
    • Not Applicable : If not truncated or with asterisks.

  • Customizable Report - R4 CTBR040

Note that in R4 reports it has asterisks for the value having exceeded:

Note the printing with parameter Divide By ? = million in R4 reports:

  • Non-customizable Report - R3 CTBR040

Note that in R3 reports, with parameter "Not Applicable" and values higher than appropriate, it is transformed into asterisk:

Note the printing with parameter Divide By ? = million in R3 reports:

03. Parameter in reports


The use of this parameter must be taught, for situations in which the report bursts the columns of transactions, balances and/or values.

04. Related subjects