Páginas filhas
  • Booking the CNAB Return (FINA200 - SIGAFIN)

The booking must occur in offline mode because, in an eventual need to reprocess the file, the system does not account for the records that have already been downloaded before the interruption in the system.

Booking the process of transfer between collection portfolios

The process of booking the collection status change can now be performed online or offline.
For the offline booking to work, the system must be properly updated with the continuous dispatch generated after August 2020 or with a Protheus release equal to or later than  12.1.31with its respective data dictionary.
With the new behavior of the "Online Booking?" question, the "Book Transfer?" question becomes obsolete and will no longer be covered by the routines mentioned. From this moment onwards, the bookings can be registered online or offline.


When the Online Booking? question is set to Yes and there is a standard entry properly configured, the following situations may occur:
- Bill transfer between collection statuses without a linked bank. The system only changes the collection status, generating a transaction that can be accounted.

  • The bill was in Portfolio (status 0) and was transferred to Notary Collection (status H). In this case, none of the collection statuses need a bank. 

An accounting entry is posted in referring to the bill collection status transfer from 0 (zero) to H.

  • The bill was in Notary Collection (status H) and was transferred to the portfolio (status 0).

An accounting entry is posted referring to the bill collection status transfer from H to 0 (zero).

  • In a bill transfer between collection statuses linked to a bank, the system accounts in two steps, first posting the transfer to portfolio 0 (zero), then posting the transfer to another portfolio linked to the bank.
  • The bill was in Notary Collection (status H) and was transferred to simple collection (status 1)

An accounting entry is posted referring to the bill collection status transfer from H to 0 (zero).
An accounting entry is posted referring to the bill collection status transfer from 0 (zero) 1.