Páginas filhas
  • List of Bills Receivable with PIS/COFINS and CSLL Withholding



This report presents, through the parameterization adopted, the bills registered in the portfolio of Accounts Receivable with their PIS/COFINS and CSLL withholding.


The Net Amount column only presents the bill amount with the PIS/COFINS/CSLL deduction when these taxes have already been withheld.

If parameter MV_BR10925 = 2 (On Issuance), the net amount will be listed considering the PIS/COFINS/CSLL deduction without the need of a bill transaction, since the taxes were already generated on bill inclusion.

If parameter MV_BR10925 = 1 (On Posting), the net amount will only be listed considering the PIS/COFINS/CSLL deduction after the bill is posted and the records referring to these taxes are generated.

The columns with the withholding values are presented as value information that will only be effective in the “Net amount” column after the bill generation in the system.

The report is issued in a detailed way, presenting bills from a single customer or from all customers.


1.Click Parameters

A screen is displayed with the report parameters.

2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.

3. Check the configuration and confirm.

The parameterization allows you to select the presentation:

If the “Select Branches” parameter is set to “Yes”, a screen for selecting which branches the report will present is displayed.

When you confirm the parameter screens, the system will issue the report.