This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.
This routine integrates the Financial and Management of Personnel modules concerning generation of data for SEFIP - System for FGTS Collection and Information to Social Security.
With this integration, enter data from the bills of suppliers (which are individuals and have withholding amounts for Social Security) in RGB - Incidences, for future treatment of the data generation routine for SEFIP (SIGAGPE).
In the integration process, the system checks if a supplier is registered as freelancer in the employees table (SRA). If not, the system automatically adds the supplier where the record of the Process field (RA_PROCESS) is added, with the content of parameter MV_PROCESS, which has the process related to the type of monthly payment, for example: 003 - Monthly Individual Taxpayer.
To generate SEFIP data: