This routine generates the magnetic media to deliver ISS (Service Tax) invoices in the city of Osasco.

To whom it is applicable

To all service providers in the city of Osasco - SP.

When to deliver



Municipal – Osasco – São Paulo

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®

There is not one.

Where to find the application provided by tax authorities

Legislation contemplated

Law no. 4,292 from February 18, 2009.

Types of Generated Records

Record Type H - Header

This record identifies the stating part for issued documents, received documents and canceled documents.

Record Type D - Invoice

For this record, information is generated according to data saved in Tax Records file and Outflow Invoice Header (only of service outflow operations).

Import of Return File Sent by Local Government

After importing the file from the local government website, a new return file is generated with the electronic invoices generated by the city hall. This return file is used by Protheus, to update database.

1. In Electronic Invoice Import, the routine description screen is displayed.

2. Click Next and fill out the routine parameters.

Return File

Click Search. A new window is opened, enabling search in all available folders. Search in which folder the return file was saved, select the file, and click Select.

3. By confirming the selection of the file searched, the system goes back to the Return File Check information and click Finish to start the import.


To import the return file correctly, generate the invoice with nine (9) positions.

After concluding import, a report is generated presenting imported documents and possible errors during the process.

4. Configure the report print and confirm it. Information imported during the process is displayed with the Imported

See Also