This routine enables the magnetic file generation of information relating to Tax Free Paper DIF control - Tax Free Paper. This file must be validated using DIF-Tax Free Paper program.

To whom it is applicable

According to art. 10 of the Normative  Instruction SRF n. 71, of August 24, 2001, along with the art. 1 of the IN mentioned, the manufacturers, distributors, importers, journalism companies, publishing company and typography companies operating with paper for printing books, newspaper and periodicals, are obliged to present the Special Declaration of Information Relating to Tax Free Paper Control (DIF-Tax Free Paper).


This program enables to manufacturers, distributors, importers, journalism companies, publishing company and typography companies operating with paper for printing books, newspaper and periodicals to provide the information required in the Special Declaration of Information Relating to Immune Paper Control (DIF- Tax Free Paper), established by the art.10 of the Normative Instruction SRF n. 71, of 8/24/01, for sending the data declared, using Receitanet environment.



Delivery Term

DIF - Paper must be sent every six months in magnetic medium via Internet or, exceptionally, delivered in a unit of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

The information must be centrally presented by the main establishment, that consolidates information of all establishments operating with paper used for printing, newspapers and periodicals. DIF-Tax Free Paper is mandatory, even when there is no movement in the semester.

Application provided by tax authorities

DIF-Tax Free Paper

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®

DIF-Tax Free Paper - Version 2.0

Layouts available

  • Invoices
  • Publishing Table
  • Paper Type Table

Note: The layouts of Inventories and Publication Production were discontinued as of version 2.0

Where to find it

Invoice Import Layout

Types of records generated

Record type 0 - Invoice Data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Company Register and in the Tax Records file.

Register type 1 – Product Data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the files of Invoice Items, Product Register, Company Register, Import Declaration File, Supplier Register and Customer Register.

SWN and SW6 files are only sent if the user company uses the Import module (SIGAEIC).

Record Type 9 – Control Data

For this register, the information is generated according to the saving of the two records above. Register Type 9 is a register generator totalizer.


Only items with TES updating inventories are considered in the Inflow Invoices.

In Outflow Invoices, the items considered are those with TIO using inventory or those which the field created for identification of DIF Tax Free Paper is set as Yes.

Other products in stock will be considered even though they do not have transaction in the period.

Stock Import Layout

Types of records generated

Register type 0 – Paper stock data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Company File, Invoices, Tax Records and Import and Product Complement.


The quantities must be entered in kilograms in this register. To do so, the system verifies whether the product weight is higher than zero and multiply the quantity sold by the product weight.

If the weight is not displayed on the product, the system does not perform the conversion and displays only the quantity sold.

Register type 2 – Book stock data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Invoices, Tax Records and Product Complement files.

Register type 9 – Control Data

For this register, the information is generated according to the saving of the two records above. Register type 9 is a register generator totalizer.


Only items with TES updating inventories are considered in the Inflow Invoices.

In Outflow Invoices, it will be considered only items with TES updating the stock or whose field for DIF Tax free Paper identification is filled with 1=Yes.

The products in stock are considered even though they do not have transaction in the period.

Import layout of Publication Production

Types of records generated

Register type 0 – Publication table data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Company Register and in the Publication Register.

Register type 1 – Type data

For this register, the information generated according to the information saved in the Publications Type file.

Register type 2 – Information of printed by third-parties

For this register, the information is generated according to the information saved in the Publications Type file.

Register type 9 – Control Data

For this register, the information is generated according to the saving of the records above. Register type 9 is a register generator totalizer.

Layout of import of paper type table

Types of records generated

Register type 0 – Paper Type Table Data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Company Register and in the Paper Type Register.

Record Type 9 – Control Data

For this register, the information is generated according to the saving of the record above. Register type 9 is a register generator totalizer.

Layout of import of publication table

Types of records generated

Register type 0 – Publication table data

For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in the Company Register and in the Publication Register.

Register type 9 – Control Data

For this register, the information is generated according to the saving of the record above. Register type 9 is a register generator totalizer.


 The layouts of Inventories and Publication Production were discontinued as of version 2.0.