Páginas filhas

The purpose of this routine is to generate a pre-formatted file to update financial information about Customers (payment habits, purchase profile, obligations overdue and to fall due), system base date SERASA/RELATO (Report of Behavior in Business), according to the routine parameters and SERASA homologation manual.

A reciprocity file is generated with the data of the product RELATO, whose periodicity can be:

  • Daily
  • Weekly - it must be processed from Mondays, formatting the data by week.


Example: Data formatting related to AUGUST/2001

First Week: 30/07 to 05/08

Second Week: 06/08 to 12/05

Third Week: 13/09 to 19/08

Fourth Week: 20/08 to 26/08

Fifth Week: 27/08 to 02/09

Fortnightly - it must be processed by fortnight.


First Fortnight: 01 to 15 of the month

Second Fortnight: 16 to 30 or 31 of the month

Note: February (28 or 29 days)

  • Monthly


To send information to Serasa, there are two layout options:

  • Serasa Simplified Layout (SERASA_SIMPLIFICADO)
  • Standard Layout (SERASA_RELATO)

Protheus system allows generation of files in any layout to be sent to Serasa.

To change the layout, it is necessary to inform Serasa. Otherwise the files will not be validated.

For further information about the layout to be used, contact Serasa.


To generate the Serasa file:

1. In the "SERASA/RELATO" maintenance window, the system displays the description screen of the routine.

2. Click "Parameters".

The system displays the parameter screen.

3. Note the following information:

  • Layout

Enter the name of the SERASA product layout file: "SERASA_RELATO.INI" or "SERASA_SIMPLIFICADO.INI".

If these files do not exist in the directory "/root/system" corresponding to the Protheus installation, contact the System Administrator to generate them.

  • Destination

Enter the name of the destination file to be sent to SERASA.

  • Transmission Type

Correction: In case it is a file to correct the transmission of a previous one.

Transmission: In case it is a transmission file.

4. Check the information and confirm it.

The system returns to the initial screen.

5. Confirm to start processing.


After preparing the file, you must run the SERASA Software for transmission.

See Also

See also Data String Configurations - IP23, service used to query the product RELATO in SERASA database.