Páginas filhas
  • Complementary Information - SefinNet - Florianópolis SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

1. To generate the SefinNet correctly, you must carefully look at filling of the information in the Register of Companies, Customers and Suppliers.

For Address:

For the data import relating to the address to be properly made, it is important to observe the rule:

a) Enter the type of public way followed by a whitespace;

b) Enter the public way name followed by a comma;

c) Enter the number of the establishment/house and, if required, add a dash for additional information;

d) Enter the address additional information.


Avenida Braz Leme, 1399 – 1st floor

Rua Pamplona, 752 – Block C

For Telephone and Fax:

For the data import relating to the telephone and fax to be properly made, it is important to observe the rule:

a) Enter the area code;

b) Enter the telephone/fax number (8 digits), with no dots or dashes.



2. Note fields configuration in the following tables:

SB1 Table

Field: B1_CNAE (CNAE) - Enter the Economic Activity Code (CNAE) related to this service. This field is used to generate different ISS magnetic media, in which you need to enter different CNAEs for different services.

SF3 Table

Field: F3_CNAE (CNAE) - Economic Activity Code in the service provided.

Field: F3_CFPS (CFPS Code) - Enter the Tax Code of Service Provided.

Field: F3_RECISS (Collect ISS?) - This field stores the position of fields that indicate ISS collection, either for customers (A1_RECISS) or suppliers (A2_RECISS). You can also use this field to indicate whether or not to collect during billing process, without configuring the treatment in the Customers/Supplier Files.

SF4 Table

Field: F4_CFPS (CFPS Code) - Enter the Tax Code of Service Provided.

Field: F4_CSTISS (CSTISS Code) - Enter ISS Taxation Codes according to the generic table S9.

SD1 Table

Field: D1_CFPS (CFPS Code) - Enter the Tax Code of Service Provided.

Field: D1_CLASFIS (CLASFIS Code) - Enter the Product Tax Classification.

SD2 Table

Field: D2_CFPS (CFPS Code) - Enter the Tax Code of Service Provided.

Field: D2_CLASFIS (CLASFIS Code) - Enter the Tax Status.

To identify the Tax Code of Service Provided concerning the transaction, the fields F4_CSTISS, F4_CFPS, F3_CFPS, D1_CFPS, and D2_CFPS must be configured. TIO used in the transaction must contain the CFPS (F4_CFPS) configured so, at the moment the tax document is entered, the system records the code in the items and in the Tax Record, thus allowing to generate the magnetic medium properly.

See Also