This routine enables generation of file for import of DEMMSMA - Electronic Statement of Service Monthly Transaction - Maceió/Alagoas, enabling taxpayer, ISS automatic calculation.

To whom it is applicable

I - services providers that, in the previous year, presented annual gross revenue equal or higher than R$ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais);

II - industrial and commercial companies that in the previous year presented annual gross equal or higher than R$ 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand reais);

III - acquirers of services that Withheld at source and/or responsible for tax replacement, according to definitions by tax legislation;

IV - other companies not registered in previous items, according to the Office of Finance.


Electronic Statement of Service Monthly Transaction - DEMMSMA is an information system on services provided and acquired by Services Providers and ISS Taxpayers Alternate, presenting many advantages compared to the written version, since it allows the taxpayer automatic calculation of ISS due and withheld at source.

Delivery Term

Monthly. Up to 10th day of the subsequent month. For example: DEMMSMA regarding the month of March, must be delivered until April 10.


Municipal – Maceió – Alagoas

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it


Decree No. 6,243, dated June 05, 2002.

Types of Records Created

Record Type Header

It is presented the CMC - Municipal Taxpayer Code, based on parameter MV_DEMMSIM and in the period of information being presented.

Record 1 - Issued

Service Invoices issued in the period are displayed, if service code (F3_CODISS) is filled out.

Record 2 - Received

Service Invoices received in the period are displayed, if service code (F3_CODISS) is filled out.

Record Type Trailer

Total of records type 1 and 2 are displayed in magnetic means.

Important Considerations

DEMMSMA has standards established for import. If documents are entered with specific characters, different from those presented in magnetic mean layout, it might be rejected when importing. Note:

For invoices model




Service Invoice


Service Simplified Invoice


Detached Service Invoice


Special Model Service Invoice

For series






Continuous Form


Service Billing

For service codes

It is only allowed import of documents with service codes according to import layout, according to entry date of tax documents.