Páginas filhas
  • Types of Records Created - DIF TO (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Segment A

Taxpayer Identification.

Segment B

Identification of Taxpayer Tax Home Change.

Segment C

Inflow of Goods, Assets and/or Acquisition of Services in the Taxpayer Establishment.

Segment C details the entry of goods or the acquisition of services in the tax payer establishment divided into types of entries, according to table available on item 3.3.1 from the Electronic DIF Layout:

01 - Purchases

02 - Transfers

03 – Canceled Sales

04 - Transport

05 - Communications

06 - Electricity

07 - Differential Rate

08 - Purchases for Permanent Asset

09 – Purchases of Goods for Usage and Consumption

10 – Acquisition of ICMS Taxes Services

11 – Other Entries

To fit each transaction to the corresponding type, the system will consider the operation CFOP. The CFOPs that integrate each type of entry are described on item Segments C and E – CFOPs By Type of Transaction in this document.

Segment D

Inflow of Goods, Assets and/or Acquisition of Services, Detailed (per Federation Unit).

Segment D details the entry of goods or the acquisition of services in taxpayer establishment divided by Federation Unit (FU). DIF-TO Layout define its own code for each origin FU. These codes can be checked on item 3.4.1 – FU Table – For Completion of Field D4 of the DIF-TO layout, provided in the website of SEFAZ Tocantins.


The field D10 – Oil/Energy will receive transaction values with CFOP finished in: 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256 and 257.

Segment E

Outflow of Goods, Assets and/or Acquisition of Services in the Taxpayer Establishment.

Segment E details the exit of goods or the providing of services in the tax payer establishment divided into types of exits, according to table available on item 3.5.1 from the Electronic DIF Layout:

01 - Sales

02 - Transfers

03 – Canceled Purchases

04 - Electricity

05 - Communications

06 - Transport

07 - Permanent Asset Sales

08 – Sales of Goods for Usage and Consumption

09 – ICMS Taxes Provision of Services

10 – Other Exits

Using the same criteria from Segment C, the system will consider the CFOP from the operation to fit each transaction in its corresponding type.

Segment F

Outflow of Goods, Assets and/or Acquisition of Services, Detailed (per Federation Unit).

Segment F details the exit of goods or service providing to taxpayer establishment divided by Federation Unit (FU). DIF-TO Layout define its own code for each origin FU. These codes can be checked on item 3.6.1 – FU Table – For Completion of Field F4 of the DIF-TO layout, provided in the website of SEFAZ Tocantins.


In the fields F8 – Accounting Value Non Taxpayer and F10 – Base Calculation Non Taxpayer will be considered only the transactions with the CFOPs terminated in: 107, 108, 258, 307 and 357.

Segment G

Inflow and Outflow of Goods and/or provision of Services of the Taxpayer Establishment (per Origin City).

Segment G shows the range of Entries and Exits from the taxpayer establishments separated by city of origin. A record will be generated to each city that the taxpayer have made transactions.

The values presented in this record must be equal to those presented on segments C and E or D and F, paying attention to the fact considered on segment G only entry values classified on types 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09 and 10 and exit values classified in types 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 and 09.

According to the DIF-TO layout, the segment \ is of mandatory completion for taxpayers with start registration centralized and the registers of economic activities (CNAE) described on item 7 from the Fill out Document of Fiscal l, approved by act from the Finances Department.

On the generation wizard of the file there is a question (Generate Segment G) which makes that this records is or is not generated. The standard answer is No, because if the taxpayer CNAE does not ensure the fulfillment of this record, the validator will register an error on the moment of importing the file, blocking ongoing operation. If the main activity of the company does not require the introduction of Segment G and will not be generated, the validator will show an error message.


In the field G4 – City of Origin IBGE code of the city will be shown if it belongs to Tocantins. For other FU´s, is shown the number 9999999 – City to Classify.

Segment H

List of goods and/or Products acquired from Other cities with ICMS Deferral.

Segment H shows the relationship between State and City Supplier Registration from which the declarator acquired goods and acquired ICMS withholding on the operation on goods. A record will be generated for each State Registration or City of Origin.

Segment I

List of goods and/or products acquired from other cities with ICMS exemption - Detailed by State Registration.

The segment I will show the list of Invoices / Accounting Values of documents received by the declarator in cases of ICMS exemption.


On the Segments H and I are considered only the assets acquired from other cities in the state of Tocantins. I.e., acquisition of goods from other states will not be considered. According to orientation of SEFAZ – TO, will also not be considered on these segments the suppliers without state registration (A2_INSCR Empty), as well as those exempt of registration (A2_INSCR = EXEMPT).

Segment K

Other entries/exits

The segment K shows, grouped by CFOP, the sum of values classified as other Entries (Type 11 – Segment C) and Other Exits (Type 10 – Segment E).

Segment Z

Indicated the Statement end.


If only after the generation of the file is presented a margin similar to the image below, it is necessary check the transactions in the period. When a CFOP is not fulfilled in any other type of entry or exit and was not configured the wizard and attributed the type of transaction 00 that is not recognized by the validator DIF-TO. If there are classified values of this type it will not be possible to generate the file SEFAZ import, because accounting values will not match.

 It is important that the CFOPs presented by this message are checked and classified in the respective types of entry or exit. This procedure is detailed in item Manual Configuration CFOPs x Type of Transaction of this document.

Segments C and E – CFOPs by Type of Transaction

Detailing CFOPs considered in each type of transaction

  • Purchases / Sales

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Purchases / Sales (01 - Entry / Exit) are terminated in: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 and 128

  • Transfers

The CFOPs considered in the type of Transfers (02 - Entry / Exit) are terminated in: 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 and 156.

  • Canceled Purchases / Sales

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Canceled Purchases / Sales (03 - Entry / Exit) are terminated in: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 and 211.

  • Transports

The CFOPs considered in the type of Transfers (04 - Entry and 06 - Exit) are terminated in: 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359 and 360.

  • Communications

The CFOPs considered in the type of Communications (05 - Entry / Exit) are terminated in: 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 and 307.

  • Electricity

The CFOPs considered in the type of Electric Energy (06 - Entry and 04 - Exit) are terminated in: 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 and 258.

  • Differential Rate

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Differential Rate (07 - Entries) are terminated in: 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556 and 557, when dealing with an interstate operation, i.e., the CFOP was started by 2.

  • Purchase / Sales of the Permanent Asset

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Purchases / Sales Permanent Asset (08 - Entries and 07 - Exit) are terminated in: 550, 551, 552, 553, 554 and 555.

  • Purchase / Sales of Goods for Usage and Consumption

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Purchases / Sales Material for Usage and Consumption (09 - Entries and 08 - Exit) are terminated in: 556 and 557.

  • Other Entries / Exits

The CFOPs considered in the type of transaction Other Entries / Exists (11 - Entries and 10 - Exit) are terminated in: 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 931, 932, 933 and 949.

Manual Configuration of CFOPs x Type of Transaction.

Manual Configuration of CFOPs considered in each type of transaction

Before file generation, two screens are shown (wizards). From them it is possible to configure the additional CFOPs to be considered in each type of entry or exit transaction or edit standard classification, detailed on item Segments C and E – CFOPs by type of transaction of this document.


When making the manual classification of CFOPs the following details must be seen:

1)   It is not necessary to complete the full CFOP (4 digits). Fields must be completed with the three end digits of CFOPs and, in cases there are more than one, they must be separated by a slash ( / ). Therefore:

Type 01 - Purchases: 101/551/907/908.

2)   The CFOPs filled out on the wizard classification replace the standard classification. I.e., if by standard CFOPs terminated in 101 are classified as Purchases or Sales, and at the moment of file generation the termination 101 is classified as 10 - Other Entries, the system will classify these transactions. 

3)   It is not possible to classify the same CFOP in more than one type of transaction. In this case, the CFOP will not be considered in any type of entry or exit transaction, resulting in failure on the generation of the file to be imported to SEFAZ.