Páginas filhas
  • Types of Records Created - EDI MS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Record Type 10 - Cargo Data (trip)

This record is based on trip, and presents some restrictions:

  1. The trip number entered on the first question screen is considered. On this screen, enter Trip Number.
  2. Only trips with status higher than or equal to 2 (transit) and different from 9 (canceled) are considered.


1 - The field with outflow time is filled out according to the operation of outflow transportation. To fill it out correctly, the parameter MV_ATIVSAI must be duly configured.

Record Type 20 - Seal Data

The information in this record is generated through seal file.

Record Type 30 - Manifest Data

The information in this record is generated through manifest file.

Record Type 40 - Document Data (customer invoices)

The information in this record is generated through customer invoice file.

Record Type 50 - Document Item Data (invoice items)

The information in this record is generated through the file of customer invoice items.


The record type 50 is only generated when the product of corresponding invoice is type 2 (agriculture) or 3 (cattle raising).

The product type is searched in the Product Group table (SBM) in the Withheld ICMS field (BM_TIPGRU).

Record Type 60 - File End

The information in this record is only for file end identification.