Páginas filhas
  • Accounts Payable General Status (FINR330 - SIGAFIN)

This report presents a complete relation of Accounts Payable, enabling the control of payments performed in a selected period.

This report enables the evaluation, per topic, of all transactions concerning the period, in amount and values, being:

  • Monthly Acquisitions. with the respective values paid in cash and in installments;
  • Values written-off, presenting details of what was received, delinquency fees, tickets, adjustments, discounts granted and payments in advance;
  • Bills to be due, related per periods;
  • Bills to be due, related per period;
  • Types of Bills;
  • Late Purchase Orders, related per period;
  • Advanced Purchase Orders, related per period.

According to the parameter "Amount TES Sales Order"  the system relates the total of purchase orders to be received and presents total of items of overdue orders, per period. Orders are related where TES presents "S" in the question "Generate Trade Note".

Another resource available in the report is the possibility of checking the balance of bills payable considering the bill accounting date, not the write-off one, allowing listing of information along with accounting, considering the same accounting criteria.


Bill Amount


Write-off Date


Accounting Date


Balance (by write-off 07/01)


Balance (by accounting 07/01)


In this example, even if the bill is already written-off, considering that the parameterization is defined by the "Accounting Date" and the base date is "06.29.03", the bill will be considered as pending, since the write-off accounting date is after the system base date.


To issue a report of accounts payable general position:

1. In the Accounts Payable General Position report issue window, click Parameters.

The system displays the window with the parameters regarding the report.

2. Configure the parameters according to the field's help instructions.

3. Observe the following parameter:

  • Comprise Retroactive Balance?

Select "Yes" if you want the balance of the bills to be recalculated until the report reference date.

Select "No" if you want to consider the balance of bills in current status (in bills file), irrespective of the report issue date.


  • Bill Implementation -> 08/04/XX for R$ 1000.00.
  • Partial write-off -> 08/10/XX of R$ 400.00 (remaining a balance of R$ 600.00)
  • Partial write-off -> 08/18/XX of R$ 200.00 (remaining a balance of R$ 400.00)
  • With "Comprising Retroactive Balance = Yes" and "Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX", we have:

Bill balance= R$ 600.00 (balance on selected date).

  • With "Comprising Retroactive Balance = No" and "Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX", we have:

Bill balance = R$ 400.00 (in this case, the option retroact is not considered. Balance displayed is the current one).

4. Check the configuration and confirm printing of the report.


See Also