This report allows presenting, through the parameterization adopted, the bills registered in the Accounts  Receivable portfolio.

The report may be printed in detailed or summarized manner, showing bills from a single customer or all customers. The parameterization allows selecting displays through prefixes, number of bills, banks, due date range, class, issue and currency.

When generating the report, it is possible to establish if the temporary bills and the ones related to advances will be considered.

The system enables the client to have a better view of bills status with date retroactive to the issue of the report, or presents current balance of bills till the last transactions, excluding issue date of reports for calculation base.

Bills registered in other currencies can be converted into the selected currency and presented in the issue or may not be related.

Another resource available in the report is the possibility of checking the balance of bills payable considering the bill accounting date, not the write-off date, allowing listing of information along with accounting, considering the same accounting criteria.


Bill Amount


Write-off Date


Accounting Date


Balance (by write-off 07/01)


Balance (by accounting 07/01)


In this example, even if the accounting bill  is already written-off, considering parameterization  is established by "Accounting Date" and base date is 06/29/09, the bill   is  considered pending, since accounting date of the write-off is subsequent to the system base date.


In the personalizeable version, TReport, it is possible to set which are the branches to be considered in the report in case the question Select Branches? is Yes. If not, only the report for the current branch is generated.


To issue the bills receivable report:

1. In the issue window of the report Bills Receivable, click Parameters.

The system displays a window with the parameters concerning the report. 

Observe the following parameter:

  • Comprises Retroactive Balance?

    Choose Yes if bills balances must be recomposed until report reference date.   

    Choose No if bills balances must e considered   in the current situation (in the bills file), independent from report issue date.   

  • Implementation of bill -> 08/04/XX of R$ 1,000.00.
  • Partial write-off -> 08/10/XX of R$ 400.00 (remaining a balance of R$ 600.00)
  • Partial write-off -> 08/18/XX of R$ 200.00 (remaining a balance of R$ 400.00)
  • Comprises Retroactive Balance = Yes and Report Reference Date   = 12/08/XX, we have:

    Bill balance = R$ 600.00 (balance on selected date).
  • Comprises Retroactive Balance = No and Report Reference Date   = 12/08/XX, we have:

    Bill balance = R$ 400.00 (in this case, retroactive balances are not considered, and current balance is displayed).
  • Consider Date?

Use it to select the due date to be printed: Due Date or actual Due Date 

2. Configure them according to field help instructions.

3. Check configurations and confirm report printing.

See Also