Páginas filhas
  • CNAB Receivable Dispatch File (FINA150 - SIGAFIN)

This routine allows generating the CNAB Receivable dispatch file, based on the occurrences registered and the collection bordereaux generated.

To generate this file, the bank occurrences to send Accounts Receivable must have already been generated through the routine Cnab Occurrences File.


To generate the CNAB receivable dispatch file:

1. In the Generate Dispatch File Receivable maintenance window, the system displays the routine's parameter screen.

2. Fill in the data according to the field's help instructions.

3. Observe the following parameters:

    • Configure File?

The name of the configuration file must be entered. The Cnab parameterization configurations in the Configurator environment have been saved in this file.

    • Output File?

Enter the name of the dispatch file, according to the banks instructions or by creating your own criterion. Example: Using the generation day and a code for the bank: BB010103 (Banco do Brasil on January 01, 2003).

4. Check the information and confirm it.

5. Then, select Generate File and confirm.

At this time, the file is generated. The file is available in the directory \SYSTEM\. To send it, the user must copy it or direct the transmission application to this directory.