Páginas filhas
  • Statuses (FINA580 - SIGAFIN)

Use this option to change the status of a bill payable to suspended or canceled, provided the bill has not undergone any type of financial transaction.

Thus, you can give the bill one of the following statuses:

  • In Approval: in this status, the bill is fit to be released for posting. When released, the person responsible for the approval is registered, as well as the release date. This is the default status, when the System is configured to work with the process Release for Posting.
  • Suspended: with this status, the bill becomes unavailable for posting; that is, the System prevents its posting for any reason. Bills with this status display a violet caption in Accounts Payable routines.
  • Canceled: with this status, the bill payable becomes unavailable for regular payment. The System only allows posting if the reason presented for the posting lacks financial transactions and the bill payable has been released for posting before being canceled. Bills with this status display an orange caption in Accounts Payable routines.

The data of users responsible for status changes and the dates when those changes took place are stored in the bill payable record in table SE2 - Accounts payable.

In Manual Postings Payable and in batch posting, you can only post canceled bills, if the reason for posting lacks financial transactions.

The Automatic Postings Payable does not allow selecting canceled bills for posting, if the reason lacks financial transactions.


To change the status of a bill payable:

  1. In Release f/ Posting, select a bill and click Statuses.
  2. Enter and Confirm a new status for the bill.

The bill caption changes and Accounts Payable processes start using the new status.