The fields in the Bank Parameter File must be filled according to each bank's criteria. The field help, executed through the F1 key with the cursor placed on the field to be searched, can be queried. However, the fields must be filled according to the requirements of the bank to be registered.

Observe the following fields:

  • Bytes Statement

This field, which determines the size of the description line of the bank statement return file, must be filled with the same value in all sub-accounts.

  • Table

The code of the relationship table between the bill type in Financial and the type of bank bill must be entered in this field. The system default is Table 17, which is pre-configured, however, it is possible to create new tables to perform the same treatment.

  • Account CD

In field Account CD you can enter 2 (two) check digits, if required by the bank. Only for tables: FIL - Supplier, FRY - Bordereau Headers, SA6 - Banks, SA2 - Suppliers, SE2 - Accounts Payable and SEE - Bank Parameters.

See Also