This routine registers collectors to calculate receipt commissions, among other features. Collection agents are people or entities responsible for collecting bills from clients.


If the Transit Doc. field (AQ_DOCTRAN) is filled out with Yes, indicates that the collector can enter collection documents not yet received by the collection area when receipts are added in the Receipt Maintenance.


Registering collectors:

1. In Collectors, select Add.

The inclusion screen is displayed.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Check out the following fields:

    • Receipt Type

Select the receipt type to be controlled for the collector. Receipt types are: Official, Temporary or Do not control.

    • Generate Accounts Payable

Select Yes for the bill to be automatically generated with commission calculated in Accounts Payable.  

    • Commission

This field indicates the default commission percentage for the selected collector. The commission amount can be edited while processing commission.

4. Check data and confirm them.

See Also