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Speaking of tracks and training settings...

This feature allows you to configure settings for tracks and training courses, such as the number of days in which the registrations remain active, whether catalog permissions will be inherited from the parent folder, whether the items that are under conclusion and archived should be displayed in the catalog, and definitions about integration with TOTVS HCM.

Manage tracks and trainings

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. Place the mouse over Manage.

04. Click Tracks and training settings.

05. Define the required information.

Tracks and validity period of training registration
Number of days that the student has to finish the training after registering. After that period, their registration expires, regardless of whether they completed the training course or not. And expired registrations are automatically canceled by a routine that runs periodically on the platform. For more information, go to Cancel expired training registrations.

Inherit tracks and training permissions automatically
It determines whether the tracks and training catalog permissions will be inherited from the parent folder. Available options are:

  • Yes;
  • No.

Allow finishing registrations that are integrated by fluig
It determines whether users can finish their registration in training courses using the platform when the registration is integrated with TOTVS HCM. Available options are:

  • Yes;
  • No.

Allow viewing archived training courses and tracks
It determines whether the training courses and tracks whose status is Archived should be displayed in the catalog to all users that have, at least, reading permission on them. Available options are:

  • Yes;
  • No.

Allow viewing archived training courses and tracks that are under conclusion
It determines whether the training courses and tracks whose status is Under conclusion should be displayed in the catalog to all users that have, at least, reading permission on them. Available options are:

  • Yes;
  • No.

Allow registration requests in the history of tracks and training courses
Whether or not requesting registrations from the history of tracks and training courses is allowed, i.e. whether or not to display the option Request registration in a track or training course that is shown in the history. Available options:

  • Yes;
  • No.

06. Click Save.

Edit tracks and training settings

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. Place the mouse over Manage.

04. Click Tracks and training settings.

05. Make the modifications of your choosing.

06. Click Save.

Export training courses to TOTVS HCM

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. Place the mouse over Manage.

04. Click Tracks and training settings.

05. In the table Export training courses to TOTVS HCM, click Export.

When you click this option, training information available on the platform is exported to TOTVS HCM.

Please note!

The training content is not exported, only registration information, such as name, status and course load, among others. The content will be viewed by the student via the platform.

For more technical information about integration, go to Configuring Integration via EAI.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.6.4 Waterdrop update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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