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Speaking of volumes...

The platform allows posted documents to be stored in different volumes according to the system administrator’s settings, in order to optimize the distribution of physical documents.

The use of multivolume provides better conditions to manage physical document allocations.

 Document: volume used to record posted documents in certain platform folders. A document type volume can only be associated with a single folder; and a folder can only be associated with a single volume. When registering the Document type volume, the folder associated with the volume must be empty (no documents or subfolders) and cannot be edited.

 My documents: each user has a private platform folder containing a certain volume. The administrator can create multiple volumes and determine which one must be used for each user. This process is performed through the Users’ directory feature. After the volume is registered, the volume’s physical directory can be changed. A verification will appear in case the user has previously published any documents associated with the volume.
Example: if the administrator user attempts to change the physical directory of a volume in the My documents folder – to which the user is associated and containing any posted document – a message will be displayed. However, the change will not be blocked, since the administrator must confirm that all documents have been duly transferred before confirming volume changes. Upon confirming a change, it is necessary to execute the content transfer from the previous directory to the new one. This action is not performed automatically and the user will not be able to view the document in his/her private folder. The administrator must check with all related users whether documents have been duly transferred before performing this action.

 Workflow Attachment: volume used to record documents attached to workflow process requests. Multiple volumes can be created and users define which volume must be used for each process during the Workflow registration process. This procedure is very similar to the private folder volume, where a Workflow attachment volume is defined, and each process is subsequently associated with such volume. Therefore, all documents attached to this process and not posted in the platform are stored in this volume. The physical volume directory must be informed when registering Workflow attachment volumes. The physical directory may be changed after the volume is registered, in which case a verification process checks if the volume is associated with a workflow process and, if so, a message appears requesting the user to confirm changes. This same validation process applies to the private folder. In case of any associated process with posted documents, the administrator must transfer all contents from one volume to the other.

 Available: this volume type is created by the platform administrator to allow the company administrator to chose choose the volume type. Therefore, the platform administrator registers only the physical directory where the files will be stored and defines the maximum storage size.

The Default volume is used for document folders, private folders, data on learning, evaluations, contents and workflow processes not associated with specific volumes. Default volumes cannot be deleted because they are standard platform volumes. This volume contains all physical folders.

Basic path

01. Access the platform with the wcmadmin user name.

02. From the main menu, click on Control panel.

03. Click the General tab.

04. Click Volumes.

05. View all volumes available for each company.

Alternative paths

Add volume

01. In the Volumes window, select the company for which a new volume will be added.

02. Click Add.

03. Enter the requested information.

The requested information is:
New volume identification code.
Volume type
Type of volume created, based on its respective purpose. Available types:
 My documents;
 Workflow attachment;
Physical directory
Physical directory where the volume will be located.
Maximum size (Mb)
Maximum volume size.

04. Click on Save.

Edit volume

01. In the Volumes window, select the company volume to be edited.

02. Select the volume to be edited.

03. Click Edit.

04. Make the desired changes.

More information on displayed fields is available in the Add volume alternative path.

05. Click on Save.

Delete volume

01. In the Volumes window, select the company volume to be deleted.

02. Select the volume to be deleted.

03. Click Remove.

04. Click Confirm in the pop-up window to delete the volume.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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