Páginas filhas
  • Comparison Cost Center x Item x 6 Months - MEXICO (CTBR270 - SIGACTB)

This report issues a comparison of balances among months of accounting item ordered by cost center. Values displayed refer to transactions of the period requested. This report is used to follow balances of accounting items and cost centers concerning several months of a company/branch.

Report details:

  • The report uses the feature Configuration of Books only to inherit masks of accounting entities.
  • It compares balances in 6 columns, each one representing a month.
  • The report defines the following hierarchy related to entities involved:

Cost Center: 1001 - CC 1001


Item 3


Item 3.101


Item 3.102


Item 3.103


Issuing the report Comparison c. center x item x 6 months:

1. In the report issue window, click Parameters.

A screen is displayed with report parameters to be configured.

2. Configure them according to field help instructions.

3. Check configurations and confirm the report print.

See Also

  • Standard configuration of reports
  • Configuration of customized reports