Páginas filhas
  • Currency vs. Calendar vs. Balance Type (CTBA011 - SIGACTB)

Use the Currency vs. Calendar vs. Balance Type to specify the bindings of currencies to Accounting Calendars, and of Calendar periods to Balance Types.

To consider the Balance Type in searches and related validations, you must set the MV_CTBCTG parameter to T.

The routine makes it possible to add, edit, view and delete the Currency, Accounting Calendar and Balance Type in Accounting Configurations.


You can block/unblock the turnover of an accounting period, according to the chosen Balance Type and Currency.


Registering a currency:

  1. On the Currency panel, right-click the Currency item.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  4. Check data and Confirm.
  5. After you add a new currency, a message is displayed: register the currency binding to an accounting calendar.
  6. Click OK.


Whenever you need to View, Edit or Delete the Currency, right-click desired currency.

To register a Calendar:

  1. On the Calendar panel, right-click the Calendar item.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  4. Check data and Confirm.


Whenever you need to View, Edit or Delete the Calendar, right-click desired calendar.

Registering a Balance Type:

  1. On the Balance Type panel, right-click the Balance Type item.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  4. Check data and Confirm.


Whenever you need to View, Edit or Delete the Balance Type, right-click desired balance type.

To bind the Calendar to the Currency and Balance Type:

  1. On the Binding panel, right-click desired Currency.
  2. Click Bind Calendar.
  3. Select the Calendar and click Ok.
  4. After the binding to the Calendar, right-click the calendar.
  5. Click on Bind Balance Type.
  6. Enter the Balance Type and click Ok.
  7. You can group more than one Balance Type for the desired Calendar period.

See Also