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Check out the new features available in the fluig 1.6.3 update:


Connect is more complete!

Want more efficiency when synchronizing your documents? We have improved Connect’s performance for you!

As of Connect’s 1.6.2 update, you can Automatically Synchronize your documents if you know the synchronization phase through Status, and a progress bar has also been added to show synchronization progress. So you like the news? Update fluig Connect today!

More control when deleting documents, from browsing or the bin!

As of fluig’s Snowflakes update, there are six new events for you to customize how to delete documents from the platform. Now, you can ensure that important documents or form records used in apps or processes are not accidentally deleted.

The before/after events are used for:

Stay tuned!

Go to Document events and check out all the available events.



  • Fixed an issue so that the webdesk/vcXMLRPC.js, address is considered when the library is entered as ../vcXMLRPC.js.
  • Fixed an issue where parent and child tables were not considered separately, in cases where forms already posted on fluig are updated. 
  • Fixed an issue so that the “SetEnhancedSecurityHiddenInputs” method saves the value in fields that are enabled or not by the “enableFields” method.
  • Fixed an issue where, when saving forms containing various components from the parent/child table, the data was lost when moving requests.
  • Fixed an issue with the zoom filter ON/OFF selector so that it respects the filter limit area correctly.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with document browsing paging.
  • Fixed a problem with the zoom field so that it works correctly on forms where there is more than one zoom field. Because when clicking zoom, the data was returned but it was not possible to select them.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the compatibility between the new platform features and the existing calls for the Document view API. 
  • Fixed an issue with the translation file and updated the translation engine so that the users’ directory works correctly. 
  • Fixed an issue to allow checking individual permission to download, in addition to the inherited permission. 
  • Fixed an issue to allow downloading multiple documents whose folder name had a slash. Fixed a problem so that, when generating a compressed file, the slash in the folder name is replaced by an underscore. 
  • Fixed an issue so that, when searching for content in the global search, it also returns the results from the Documents tab correctly. 

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