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Speaking of Configuring processes...

Process is the continuing sequence of events or transactions which have a certain unit or that reproduce with some regularity.

That way, we can understand the processes must represent existing work routines in companies.

A process always has the aim to achieve some result (objective) and for that result to be achieved must be performed tasks (activities). These activities must have a logical sequence of execution (WorkStream). The prior analysis, drafting and mapping of this information is important and necessary for the registration of the process on platform.

To better organize the presentation of the processes available for use, it is possible to determine for each process a category. In this way, the processes related to the same category are presented in grouped.

In order for a process to be used in the application platform for mobile devices, it is necessary to check the Mobile Process Version tab of properties of the process, since, by default, this option is not ticked.

When a process is configured to allow add-ons, a user can add comments or attachments in an open request, whether they are responsible or not for the current task, in order to avoid communication by other means that will not be recorded in the history of the process.


Basic Path


01. Select configure processes from the main menu.

The shortcut to configure processes is available from the main menu, through the processes icon.


Alternative Paths


Add process


01. Press Add.

02. Insert the code that represents the process in question.

03. Enter a description to identify the process in question.

04. Press Save.

When save is clicked, the first version of the process will be created on platform and it is necessary to perform its editing. It is possible to activate save and edit, which opens the editing screen processes after the same have been created. 


Edit process


01. Select the process you want to edit.

You can only edit a process that is in edit mode. 

02. Press Edit.

03. In the process, setup screen trigger Properties in the side menu.


Define general information


01. Press the tab General.

02. In the Instructions field insert statements that help the understanding of the process that is being registered.

When preparing the instructions of an activity or a process, it is common to need to seek information from other files or websites. The platform’s concept is based on hyperlinks, which allows you to include access to both platform documents and Internet addresses via external documents and avoids replication of information, which makes browsing easier. To do this, you must add the tag [WD:999999], where 999999 must be replaced by the code of the document on platform. 

03. Indicate whether the process is active or not.

When checked, it determines that the current status of the process in relation to platform is active. If the "active" field is selected, the last released version of the process will be available for initialization in "Start" requests, otherwise the process will not work during this session. 

04. Indicate whether the process will be Public or not.

When the field Public is checked, it determines that any platform user can query the requests of that process. Otherwise, only users who participated in the process or users with the status of "Administrator" can perform queries on this process requests.

05. In the , Categoryfield, enter ID of the category to be linked to the process in question.

The Category field is optional and is used to group processes into categories. Thus in "Start requests", the processes are grouped into folders and sub-folders that represent their categories and subcategories, making it easy for users to locate them. To add a subcategory, you only need to enter the category, a dot and subcategory.
Example: To create the category HR and the subcategory Benefits, simply enter HR.Benefits in this field.

06. In Complement requests? define whether or not it will be possible to include add-ons in the form of comments or attachments in requests from this process.

The add-ons in requests allow a user to add comments or attachments in an open request, whether they are responsible or not for the current task, in order to avoid communication by other means that will not be recorded in the history of the process.

07. If the use of add-ons is enabled, click Configure to define who can complement requests.

08. On the General tab, define which users may include add-ons to open requests.

The available options are:

  • Requester, responsible for activity and manager;
  • All participants in the process and manager;
  • All users (only when the process is public): this option is only enabled when the process is public.

09. Click the Monitoring tab and define who should receive notifications when an add-on is added to the request.

The available options are:

  • Notifies person responsible;
  • Notifies requester;
  • Notifies manager.

10. In the field , Volume, select the physical Volume.

This volume is related to the volumes registered on platform and only the Default and workflow attachment volumes are available for selection. In this physical volume will be stored the files, as attachments, added to process requests in question.

11. Select one of the options available the assignment mechanism for process Manager.

It will only display the types of allocation mechanism that can be used to define the process manager.

The process manager has the power to represent any one of the other users involved in the stream. When the process manager to perform any type of move, on behalf of another user, a newsletter on the subject is added to the process drives history. Manager of process can also receive notifications of activity monitoring. The process manager is defined based on the assignment mechanism chosen in the Manager field, this mechanism must be configured using the Configure link. For more details, check the item assignment mechanisms.

12. Select the mail room.

Working hours refer to the Working hours registered on platform. The file is used for the calculation of time limits and delays the process activities. For example, if the file was configured as being informed of Monday through Friday of 08:00 at 06:00 pm and there is an activity with a duration of 1:0 that was created at 5:30 pm of Tuesday, their completion will be Wednesday at 8:30 in due Time. The file selected will be used for all activities of the process in question, except the activities that have business hours configured.


Define form


01. Access the aba Form.

02. Select the form that will be part of the process and define the other requested information.

The forms are used so that users can during the course of the process, information requests or query data from a simple and structured way.

03. Select when needed, the form fields that will be used as a filter.

Information on the creation and setting of form fields can be obtained in Settings of forms in processes.


Define version


01. Access the tab Version.

02. Enter the requested information;

The requested information is:
Current version of the process.
Description for current version of the process.
Updates annex
When checked, it determines that all the attachments of the request that are versioned on platform will be automatically updated to the latest version. Otherwise, the attachment remains with the version in which it was included.
Confirms password
When checked, determines that all activities of the process that are performed by users will request confirmation of the user's password. The password confirmation feature aims to reaffirm the presence of particular user in performing an activity of the process.


Configure attachment security


01. Access the tab Attachment security.

02. Select the option to controlSecurity.

When the field "Security control" is selected, determines who should be considered the security settings for attachments to the process in question. When the field "do not control security" is selected, determines that there is no need to control the security of the documents supporting the process in question.

03. Select, among the presented mechanisms, which should be considered for the security setting in question.

For more details, check the item assignment mechanisms.

04. Trigger Include.

05. Select the mechanism in the listing.

To select the assignment mechanism in listing just click on the same line.

06. Click Edit Mechanism and perform the configuration.

For more details on how to configure the assignment mechanism, check the item Assignment Mechanisms.

07. Mark the actions allowed for each record added.

The available options are:

  • Publish Annexes: If checked, allows users to publish a new annex on request.
  • View attachments other users: If checked, allows users to view the attached documents by other users.
  • Edit own attachments: If checked, allows user to edit attachments which included.
  • Edit attachments other users: If checked, allows user to edit any attachments included in the request.
  • Remove attachments Themselves: If checked, allows the user to remove the attachments included.
  • Remove Attachments Other Users: If checked, allows the user to remove any attachments included in the request.


Define mobile usage


01. In the process configuration main window, select the process for which the usage in the platform mobile application will be defined.

02. In the column Mobile Process, define whether the process can be used in the platform mobile application.

The available options are:

  • Yes: when checked, it specifies that the process can be executed in the platform mobile application.
  • No: when selected, it is not possible to use the process in the platform mobile application.

Edit Advanced


01. Access the tab Advanced.

You can also edit an advanced property triggering the button Edit or remove an advanced property triggering the Remove button.

02. Enter the name and value of the Advanced property of the process.

The advanced properties are used to provide data that can be used during the events of the process.

03. Press Confirm.


End Editing


01. Press Confirm.

After making any changes in the desired tabs, press Confirm.

02. Press Save on the screen of configuration processes.

To view the help of how to configure the activities and process flows in the graphics editor in the process configuration screen, click here.


Create process new version


01. Select the process that you want to create a new version.

02. Press Edit.

03. In the configuration screen of processes, engage new version.

If the selected process is in edit mode this button is called the Release version. Before you can create a new version, you must first release the current version. For more details check Release process version.

04. Press Close.


Release process version


01. Select the process you want to release your version.

02. Press Edit.

03. In the process, Setup screen press Release Version.

When the Release Version button is clicked, the platform automatically performs the process information consistency analysis. If all of the necessary information are properly recorded and correct, the process is released for use, otherwise it will be displayed a message stating the problem found.

If the selected process is editing this button is called the new version. The fire will create a new version of the process in editing mode. After fires the button new version, must be carried out the necessary changes and triggered the Release Version button again to release the new version created.

04. Press Close.


Delete process


01. Select the process you want to delete.

You can only delete a process when there are no open requests.

02. Press Delete.

Delete routine has differentiated treatments depending on the status and version of the process:
   • When the process is in its first version and is still in the editing process, it is deleted from platform.
   • When the process is in the first version is released, the version of the process is reopened for editing, since no request has been initiated using this version.
   • When the process already owns more than one version and the current version is in editing, this version is deleted, making the previous version available for use (released).
   • When the process already owns more than one version and the current version is released, this version of the process is reopened for editing, since no request has been initiated using this version.

03. Press OK.


Export process


01. Select the process to be exported in the process settings window.

02. Click Export.

This option creates a .zip file containing the process, its subprocesses (and subprocesses of subprocesses), forms linked to related processes, and datasets linked to related forms. This compressed file can then be imported into Studio.




This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.



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