Árvore de páginas


Speaking of configuring Tags cloud widget ...

The Tags cloud widget displays the platform tags that are most used in posts or documents. You can add this widget to any page of the system and new communities, where the tags will be displayed by default.

Configure Tags cloud widget

01. After adding the widget, define the settings of your choosing for it.

Enable mobile on the application
When chosen, this option enables/disables the display of the widget on the mobile application. This icon is located in the top right corner of the widget, next to Edit permission.

When selected, it determines that the most used tags on the platform will be displayed in documents or posts on the users’ or communities’ timeline. That option is only displayed when that widget is added to the pages.

When selected, it determines that the most used tags of a specific community will be displayed. That option is only displayed when that widget is added to the pages.

Community (alias)
Name of the community from which the most used tags are displayed. Upon selecting the community of your choosing, its name is replaced by its alias. This field is only displayed if you select the option Community as the context for displaying tags. If the widget belongs to a community, you cannot edit this field as you edit the community page.

Period in days
Number of days to be considered to analyze the posts and select the most used tags to be displayed. By default, this field displays 60 days, i.e. the posts made in the last 60 days will be analyzed. But you can change this number, if desired.

02. Click Save.


Edit widget permission

01. After adding the widget, click on Edit permission, located in the top right corner of the widget, next to Enable on the mobile application.

Clicking on this option opens the Widget permissions screen, in which you can define its access criteria. For more information, see Widget permissions.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.