Árvore de páginas

Connect is an application that allows accessing the repository of documents posted in the platform, without using the portal. Its simple and direct interface allows easily and efficiently managing documents.

Access to documents and folder via Connect is based on all of the platform’s document browsing permissions.

Connect allows users:

  • to browse through posted documents and folders;
  • to download and upload folders and documents;
  • to edit documents stored in the platform repository;
  • to perform document checkout and checkin;
  • to post and delete documents.

Connect features three document management tabs:

 Explore: this tab contains all actions related to document handling actions, as well as additional information on documents and folders.

 Transfers: this tab allows monitoring the progress of downloads and uploads.

 History: this tab displays the history of document and folder actions performed via Connect.

Connect also allows you to receive all the notifications from fluig’s Notification Center on your desktop, in real time and without the need to open the platform in the browser. More information on the notifications supported by Connect is available in Desktop notifications.


Since this application was developed exclusively for the Microsoft Windows operating system, using the .NET development platform – developed by Microsoft –, Connect has some requirements to ensure proper integration with the operating system:

 Windows 7 or greater;

 .NET Framework v4.0 Full;

 .NET Framework v4.0 Full NDP40-KB2468871 fix patch.

Integrated authentication with Active Directory or platform integration with identity is required to use connect.


For more details about the benefits, installation requirements and other information, go to fluig Connect Installation Guide.


This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.

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