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Speaking of learning and evaluation features...

Via the learning and evaluation permission options available in the Control Panel, it is possible to release or restrict features to specific users, roles or user groups. It is possible, for example, to hide features that are visible by default or release management features to a common user.

For a user to have access to a feature, they are required to have permission to view that feature’s page and widget.

Using the Notifications feature as an example, the required permissions would be as follows:

  • to view the Notifications page: when releasing this permission, the user in question can view the Notifications feature in the Learning menu and view the content (list of available notifications) provided they also have permission on the Notifications widget. In this example, if the user only has permission on the Notifications page but not on the Notifications widget, they will view this feature in the Learning menu, but it will show no content, because the page will be blank.
  • to view the Notifications widget: when releasing this permission, the user in question can view this widget on any page it is available, provided they also have permission to view the page. In this example, if the user only has permission on the Notifications widget but does not have it on the Notifications page, this feature is not even available in the Learning menu.
  • to perform specific actions: when permission on specific actions is released, the user in question can perform them. In this case, for example, when enabling the Save permission from notification management, the user can add and edit notifications; when enabling the Delete permission, they can delete the available notifications. Specific actions can be performed provided that the user also has permission to view the notifications widget and page, because otherwise they will view neither the feature nor the specific actions.

Permission options on pages and widgets

Permission options available for pages are the same as for each one of them. The same applies to widgets.

For details about such permissions, see Page permission options and Widget permission options.

Learning features

The learning pages, widgets and specific permissions are listed as follows.

Learning menu

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page from the Learning item in the main menu, where learning features are grouped.PAGELearning - learning menu (page) - pagelearningFor details, go to Page permission options.

My learning

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the My learning feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the items in which the student is registered, their history of classes, tracks and training courses, and their extracurricular activities.PAGEMy learning - pagemyplanFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETLearningFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Learning tasks

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Learning tasks feature that belongs to the Learning item in the main menu.PAGELearning tasks - pagelearntasksFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETLearning tasksFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Course subjects and classes

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options


Page and widget of the Course subjects and classes feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – which display the course subjects and classes catalog.PAGECourse subjects and classes - pagecatalogdisciplineFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETCourse subjects and classesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for management actions in the course subjects and classes catalog.LMSDISLearning - Course subjects and classes catalog
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the course subjects and classes catalog. Catalog items will be displayed based on the permissions set for each of them, also considering the permissions set on the root folder, i.e., if, at least, reading permission is not released on the root folder, the catalog will be displayed empty, even if the Read option is enabled.
  • Ignore restrictions: when enabled, allows the user to view the course subjects and classes catalog as if they were an administrator user, that is, ignoring all restrictions and lack of permissions on the items.

Page and widget that display the details on a subject.PAGECourse subject overview - pagedisciplineviewFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETCourse subject overviewFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Page and widget for execution of a class, that is, which display the class topics to students who are registered.PAGEExecution of classes - pagelearningclassFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETExecution of classesFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Specific permission for class waiting list management.LMSWAILearning - Waiting list management
  • Access: when enabled, allows managing class waiting lists. The user who has this option enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for managing the class waiting list in the subject or class registration and can view the options Save – to edit the priority of the student on the list – and Delete – to delete the student from the list – on the page where they can manage the class waiting lists they are in charge of.

Tracks and training courses

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options


Page and widget of the Tracks and training feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – which display the tracks and training catalog.PAGETracks and training courses - pagecatalogtrainingtrackFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETTracks and training coursesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for management actions in the tracks and training catalog.LMSCATLearning - Tracks and training catalog
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the tracks and training catalog. Catalog items will be displayed based on the permissions set for each of them, also considering the permissions set on the root folder, i.e., if, at least, reading permission is not released on the root folder, the catalog will be displayed empty, even if the Read option is enabled.
  • Ignore restrictions: when enabled, allows the user to view the tracks and training catalog as if they were an administrator user, that is, ignoring all restrictions and lack of permissions on the items.

Page and widget that display the details on a track or training course available in the catalog.PAGETraining/Track overview - pagetrainingtrackviewFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETTracks and training overviewFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Specific permission for importing and exporting training courses in the catalog.LMSIETTLearning - Export/import training courses
  • Export and import training courses: when enabled, allows importing and exporting training courses in the tracks and training catalog. Users who have this option enabled can view the Import and Export options in the catalog items.

Page and widget for execution of a track or training course, that is, that display the track or training items to students who are registered.PAGEExecution of tracks and training courses -pagelearningtrainingtrackFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETExecution of tracks and training coursesFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page that groups the features from the Manage item belonging to the Learning item in the main menu.PAGE
Administrar - app__lms__learning__adminFor details, go to Page permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options


Page and widget of the Content feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the content and actions that can be performed on them.PAGE Content - app__lms__learning__contentsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETContentFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for content management actions.LMSCONTLearning - Content management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available content. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no content were available.
  • View all content: when enabled, allows viewing all available content, including private content. Users who have this option enabled can view Preview on the content page.
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing content. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the content page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting any available content. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the content page.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Certificates feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the certificates and actions that can be performed on them.
PAGECertificates - pagecertificatesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETCertificatesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for certificate management actions.LMSCERLearning - Certificate Management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available certificates. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no certificate were available.
  • Save: when enabled, it allows adding and editing certificates. Users who have this option enabled can view the New, Edit, and Activate/Deactivate options on the certificates page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available certificates. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the certificates page.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Skills feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the skills and actions that can be performed on them.PAGESkills - pageskillsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETSkillsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for skill management actions.LMSSKLLearning - Skills
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available skills. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no skill were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing skills. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the skills page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available skills. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the skills page.

Tracks and training settings

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Tracks and training settings feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the available track and training settings.PAGETracks and training settings -pagetrainingtrackconfigurationFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETTracks and training settingsFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Accounts feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the accounts and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEAccounts - pageaccountsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAccountsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for account management actions.LMSACCLearning - Account management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the accounts for which the user is responsible. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for the accounts for which they are responsible.
  • Read all: when enabled, allows users to view all available accounts, regardless of whether they are responsible for them. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for any account.
  • Add credits: when enabled, allows users to add credits to Credit accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Add credits option on the accounts page.
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing accounts. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the accounts page.
  • Deactivate: when enabled, allows users to deactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Deactivate option on the accounts page. 
  • Reactivate: when enabled, allows users to reactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Reactivate option on the accounts page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows users to delete accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the accounts page.

AMS Settings

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the AMS Settings feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the settings for integration with AMS.PAGEAMS settings - pageconfigurationamsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETConfigure AMSFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for enabling an AMS server so that its evaluations are used in learning items.LMSCONFLearning - Global and local settings
  • AMS server: when enabled, allows enabling an AMS server for the company. Users who have this option enabled can view the Save and Delete options in the AMS settings feature.

EAI Console

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the EAI Console feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display EAI Console settings.PAGEEAI Console - pageconsoleeaiFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEAI ConsoleFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for EAI message management actions.
LMSEAILearning - EAI
  • Access: when enabled, allows managing the EAI console. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the console, that is, the feature is displayed as blank.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options


Page and widget of the Notifications feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the notifications and actions that can be performed on them.PAGENotifications - pageadvicesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETNotificationsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for notification management actions.LMSADVLearning - Notification management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available notifications. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no notification were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the notifications page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the notifications page.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Events feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the events and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEEventos - pageeventsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEventosFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Schedule feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the schedule and actions that can be performed on it.PAGESchedule - pagescheduleFor details, go to Page permission options.
ScheduleFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page that groups the features from the Registrations item belonging to the Learning item in the main menu.PAGERegistrations - pageadminenrollFor details, go to Page permission options.


Page and widget of the Register users feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that allow registering users.PAGERegister users - pageenrollusersFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETRegister usersFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for actions related to registering users.LMSENCLearning - Registrations
  • Cancel registrations in training courses/tracks: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in training courses and tracks that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the items in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Cancel registration in classes: when enabled, allows you to cancel your own registration in classes that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the classes in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Register all users: when enabled, allows registering other users in training courses, tracks and classes available in the catalog. Users who have this option enabled can view the Register users option in the catalog items.
Page and widget of the Registration requests feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display pending registration requests and actions that can be performed on them.PAGERegistration requests - pageenrollrequestsFor details, go to Page permission options.
Registration requestsFor details, go to Widget permission options.


Page and widget of the Registration management feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display registration statistics and actions that can be performed on them.

PAGERegistration management - pageenrollmanagementFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETRegistration managementFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for registration management.LMSENRLearning - Registration management
  • Manage: when enabled, allows managing registrations in tracks, training courses and classes. Users who have this option enabled can view the Block registration, Unblock registration and Unregister options on the registration management page.


Page and widget of the Change registration status feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu– that display the status of the registrations and actions that can be performed on them.PAGELearning - Change of registration statusFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETChange registration statusFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for registration status management.LMSMENLearning - Change of registration status
  • Status: when enabled, allows changing registration status in classes. The user who has this option enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for changing the status of registrations in the subject or class registration and can view the options Edit – to edit the student score –, Pass student, Fail student and Cancel registration on the page where they can change the status of the registrations.

Specific permission for creating registration records via API.
LMSHISLearning - Registration history
  • Create history of performed registrations via API: when enabled, allows creating a registration record – via API – for a user who completed a track, training course or class on another learning platform, since this item is not registered in the learning catalogs, thus allowing the student to have their complete history.

Page and widget of the End classes feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the classes that have not yet finished and are under the responsibility of the authenticated user.PAGEEnd classes - pagefinishclassesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEnd classFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for manually ending classes.LMSMFNLearning - Manually ending classes
  • Access: when enabled, allows ending classes manually, that is, the user who has this permission enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for ending classes manually in the subject or class registration and can view the End class option on the page where they can end classes.

Widgets avulsos

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Widget que exibe as trilhas e os treinamentos que o usuário inseriu em sua lista de desejos e que pode ser inserida em páginas para personalizá-las – na Home, por exemplo.WIDGETLista de desejosFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Widget que exibe a evolução do usuário nas turmas, trilhas e treinamentos nos quais ele está matriculado e que pode ser inserida em páginas para personalizá-las – na Home, por exemplo.WIDGETEvoluçãoFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Widget que exibe as conquistas que o usuário alcançou ao executar trilhas e treinamentos e participar de turmas e que pode ser inserida em páginas para personalizá-las – na Home, por exemplo.WIDGETConquistasFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Widget que exibe os detalhes das conquistas do usuário, bem como as habilidades conquistadas, e que pode ser inserida em páginas para personalizá-las – na Home, por exemplo.WIDGETDetalhes de conquistasFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Widget que exibe os avisos pertinentes às turmas de disciplinas nas quais o usuário está matriculado e que pode ser inserida em páginas para personalizá-las – na Home, por exemplo.WIDGETQuadro de avisosFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Recursos de avaliações

As páginas, os widgets e as permissões específicas de avaliações são listadas a seguir.

Menu avaliações

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página do item Avaliações do menu principal onde são agrupados os recursos de avaliações.

PAGEMenu avaliações - pageassessmentFor details, go to Page permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página e widget do recurso Avaliações pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem as avaliações e as ações que podem ser efetuadas sobre elas.PAGEAvaliações - pageassessmentsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAvaliaçõesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissões específicas para as ações de gerenciamento de avaliações.LMSGEAAvaliações - Gerenciamento de avaliações
  • Ler: quando ativada, permite visualizar a lista de avaliações existentes. Mesmo que o usuário possua permissão para visualizar a página e o widget, se esta opção não estiver ativa, ele não visualizará os registros, ou seja, o recurso será exibido como se não existisse nenhuma avaliação. 
  • Salvar: quando ativada, permite incluir e editar avaliações. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar as opções Novo e Editar na página de avaliações.
  • Remover: quando ativada, permite excluir avaliações existentes. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar a opção Remover na página de avaliações.

Avaliações externas

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Página que agrupa os recursos do item Avaliações externas que pertence ao item Avaliações do menu principal.PAGEAvaliações externas - pageamsFor details, go to Page permission options.

Avaliações AMS

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Página e widget do recurso Avaliações AMS pertencente ao item Avaliações externas, que por sua vez pertence ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem as avaliações que foram importadas de um servidor AMS e as ações que podem ser efetuadas sobre elas.PAGEAvaliações AMS - pageassessmentamsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAvaliações do AMSFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissão específica para o gerenciamento de avaliações externas provenientes do servidor do AMS que foi configurado para a empresa.LMSEXAAvaliações - Gerenciamento de avaliações externas
  • Acessar: quando ativada, permite gerenciar as avaliações provenientes do AMS dentro de aprendizado. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar as opções Filtrar, Adicionar, Detalhar, Atualizar e Remover no gerenciamento de avaliações do AMS.

Estatísticas AMS

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Página e widget do recurso Estatísticas AMS pertencente ao item Avaliações externas, que por sua vez pertence ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem as estatísticas de aplicação de avaliações externas em turmas, trilhas e treinamentos.PAGEEstatísticas AMS - pagestatisticsams For details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEstatísticas do AMS For details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página e widget do recurso Blocos pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem os blocos de questões que podem ser reutilizados e as ações que podem ser efetuadas sobre eles.PAGEBlocos - pageblocksFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETBlocosFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissões específicas para as ações de gerenciamento de blocos de questões.LMSBLOAvaliações - Gerência de blocos
  • Ler: quando ativada, permite visualizar a lista de blocos de questões existentes. Mesmo que o usuário possua permissão para visualizar a página e o widget, se esta opção não estiver ativa, ele não visualizará os registros, ou seja, o recurso será exibido como se não existisse nenhum bloco de questões. 
  • Salvar: quando ativada, permite incluir e editar blocos. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar as opções Novo e Editar na página de blocos.
  • Remover: quando ativada, permite excluir blocos existentes. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar a opção Remover na página de blocos.

Tópicos e questões

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página e widget do recurso Tópicos e questões pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem o catálogo de tópicos e questões.PAGETópicos e questões - pagecatalogquestionsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETTópicos e questõesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissões específicas para as ações de gerenciamento do catálogo de tópicos e questões.LMSTOPAvaliações - Catálogo de questões
  • Ler: quando ativada, permite visualizar o catálogo de tópicos e questões. Os itens do catálogo serão exibidos conforme as permissões definidas em cada um deles, inclusive considerando as permissões definidas na pasta raiz, ou seja, se não for liberada pelo menos permissão de leitura na pasta raiz, o catálogo será exibido vazio, mesmo que a opção Ler esteja ativa.
  • Ignorar restrições: quando ativada, permite visualizar o catálogo de tópicos e questões como se fosse um usuário administrador, ou seja, ignorando todas as restrições e ausência de permissões nos itens.

Grupos de alternativas

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página e widget do recurso Grupos de alternativas pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem os grupos de alternativas e as ações que podem ser efetuadas sobre eles.PAGEGrupos de alternativas - pagealternativesgroups For details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETGrupos de alternativas For details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissões específicas para as ações de gerenciamento de grupos de alternativas.LMSALGAvaliações - Grupo de alternativas
  • Ler: quando ativada, permite visualizar a lista de grupos de alternativas existentes. Mesmo que o usuário possua permissão para visualizar a página e o widget, se esta opção não estiver ativa, ele não visualizará os registros, ou seja, o recurso será exibido como se não existisse nenhum grupo de alternativa. 
  • Salvar: quando ativada, permite incluir e editar grupos de alternativas. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar as opções Novo e Editar na página de grupos de alternativas.
  • Remover: quando ativada, permite excluir grupos de alternativas existentes. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar a opção Remover na página de grupos de alternativas.

Correção de questões

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Página e widget do recurso Correção de questões pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem as questões dissertativas de avaliações e as ações que podem ser efetuadas sobre elas.PAGECorreção de questões - pagequestioncorrection For details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETCorrigir questões dissertativas For details, go to Widget permission options.

Histórico de avaliações

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Página e widget do recurso Histórico de avaliações pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal que exibem as aplicações de avaliações por usuário.PAGEHistórico de avaliações - pagehistoricalassessmentsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETHistórico de avaliaçõesFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissão específica para visualização do histórico de aplicação de avaliações.LMSUAHVAvaliações - Histórico de avaliações
  • Visualizar o histórico de todos usuários da mesma empresa: quando ativada, permite visualizar o histórico de execução de avaliações de qualquer usuário da mesma empresa. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa, podem efetuar uma busca por um aluno específico que seja da mesma empresa que a sua e visualizar o histórico desse aluno.

Agendamento de avaliações

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Página e widget do recurso Agendamento de avaliações pertencente ao item Avaliações do menu principal, e que exibem as aplicações de avaliações por usuário.PAGEAgendamento de avaliações - pagescheduleassessments For details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAgendamento de avaliações For details, go to Widget permission options.
Permissões específicas para as ações de gerenciamento do agendamento da aplicação de avaliações.LMSASAvaliações - Agendamento de avaliações
  • Ler: quando ativada, permite visualizar a lista de agendamentos de avaliações existentes. Mesmo que o usuário possua permissão para visualizar a página e o widget, se esta opção não estiver ativa, ele não visualizará os registros, ou seja, o recurso será exibido como se não existisse nenhum agendamento.
  • Salvar: quando ativada, permite incluir e editar agendamento de avaliações. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar as opções Novo e Editar na página de agendamento de avaliações.
  • Cancelar: quando ativada, permite cancelar agendamentos de avaliações existentes. Usuários que possuem essa opção ativa podem visualizar a opção Cancelar na página de agendamento de avaliações.

Fique atento!

Esta documentação é válida a partir da atualização 1.6.2. Se você utiliza uma atualização anterior, ela pode conter informações diferentes das quais você vê na sua plataforma.

  • Sem rótulos