Páginas filhas
  • Microsiga Protheus Argentina and TOP (FINA087A - SIGAFIN)

The integration of Microsiga Protheus® Argentina and TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) considers the advance payments/receipts.

Advances Payable

The advance payable of a contract must be made directly in the Microsiga Protheus® environment using the Payment Order or Payment Order II routines. Thus, they can be apportioned by projects, though not automatically appropriated in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) because, whenever needed,TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) lists the available advances by project via WebService request and appropriates the relevant apportionments to the contracts. These advances are then blocked in Microsiga Protheus® and may be again unblocked using TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects).

An advance payable with an appropriate apportionment in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) may simply have its payment order canceled if the appropriation is undone in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects).

An advance with an apportionment blocked by TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) also cannot be changed in Microsiga Protheus®.

Advance Receivable

The advance receivable of a contract must be made directly in the Microsiga Protheus® environment by the Miscellaneous Collections or Miscellaneous Collections II routines. Thus, its income may be apportioned, though not automatically appropriated in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) because, whenever needed, TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) lists the available advances by project via WebService request and appropriates the relevant apportionments to the contracts. These advances are then blocked in Microsiga Protheus® and may be again unblocked using TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects).

An advance receivable with an appropriate apportionment in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) may simply have its receipt canceled if the appropriation is undone in TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects).

An advance with an apportionment blocked by TOP (TOTVS Construction Work and Projects) also cannot be changed in Microsiga Protheus®.

Parameter MV_RMCCUST defines a default Cost Center for the integration, as this information is required in RM. However, it is not required to Microsiga Protheus®.


  1. In Costs, select Cost C. and add a Cost Center.

2. In Parameters, enter the Cost Center code created in parameter MV_RMCCUST.

3. When you access the Payment Order and Payment Order II, add a PA and enter whether it must be apportioned by projects.

4. Add the apportionment to an existing project.

5. When you access Miscellaneous Collections and Miscellaneous Collections II, add an RA and enter whether it must be apportioned by projects.

6. Add the apportionment to an existing project.

7. After appropriating one of the apportionments of any advance, it becomes blocked in Microsiga Protheus®