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This routine generates the magnetic file related to the System for Monthly Tax Statement of Services – SDFMS – Pará State. The SDFMS was stated by Law 7056, December 30th 1977 for all taxpayers in Pará State.

To whom it is applicable

To all State of Ceará taxpayers.


Replace the tax writing process and automatically generates the ISS payment form, the tax withholding receipt, the electronic tax records and the generation of services statement.

Delivery term

Up to day 10th of the month subsequent to the generator fact occurrence.


State - Pará

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)


Version of the application supported by Microsiga Protheus®

DFMS 2.10.06

Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority

Legislation contemplated

Law 7056, of 30th December, 1977.


Types of Records Created

Record Type H – Taxpayer Identification


2. In the invoice File, the series must be properly filled out, observing item 4 of SDFMS import handbook.

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