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This routine generates the preformatted file to import the Economic-Tax Information Statement of the state of Pará (DIEF-PA).

To whom it is applicable

All taxpayers subject to Tax on Operations Related to Goods Circulation and Service Provision of Interstate and Intermunicipal Transport and Communication - ICMS are obliged to deliver to DIEF-PA, including the ones who perform operations and services not taxed or ICMS exempt, subscribed in the ICMS Taxpayer Registration of this State and in the Legal Entity National Registration of the Finance Department.


DIEF-PA enables the State of Pará Tax Administration to know the operations/services performed by ICMS taxpayers, non-taxable and tax-exempt operations, aiming to produce the ICMS Trade Balance and specially the collection of information needed to calculate the added value, in order to obtain the cities Participation Rate in the ICMS collection product.


State: Pará

Ways of Delivery

Monthly: it must be delivered by other people obligated to deliver it, according to established in the Normative Instruction n. 0004, of February 19, 2004.

Delivery term

Until the 10th of the month following the reference.

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

Electronic DIEF 2012

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®

Version 1.3 from 2012

Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record Type 88 – Sub-type 10


This record includes transactions of the reference month made among Pará cities in cases of companies that generate and provide electric power, providers of communication services, providers of interstate and intercity transportation services, as well as all business and industrial establishments that acquired rural producers from the state of Pará. The values are accrued by product/service/city. In the case of rural producer purchases, only documents entered with the type NFP (Rural Producer Invoice) are added to the annex. In the other cases, only the CFOPs included in the parameter MV_CFODIEF are processed. In both cases, the product/service code is required according to SEFA table.

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