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Speaking of training...

Trainings Training courses are catalog items that can contain different several types of sequentially organized content, organized in sequence, forming the structure of auto learning making up a self-learning structure about a given topic. Such content can be texttexts, images, videos, documents, PDFs, presentations , and SCORM, among others.

The trainings can possess other trainingsTraining courses may have other training courses, tracks and disciplines subjects as prerequisites requirements and, in this case, it is not possible to perform the registration for it until all of your prerequisites have been completed successfully.that case, you cannot register in them until you complete all of its requirements successfully.

You can It is possible to define a pre-test for a training course and indicate whether it is or not will be a passing criterion for approval, i.e. If if the student can be approved in training running pass the training course by taking only the pre-test, without having to watch all the content.

When it is you do not defined define the pre-test as a passing criterion for approval, completion, with or without success whether successful or not, is determined by the grade obtained on the post-test, which must be equal to or higher than the required passing score for approval. The approval in a training . You can also be determined by a pass a training course due to SCORM content, when is set in your configuration that should if it is configured to be used as a passing criterion for approval. Only a SCORM content can be configured as a criterion for approval. You can configure only one piece of SCORM content as a passing criterion.

A drill training course can be bound associated to a class as an a topic item of topic, prevailing in this that case, the parameterization settings defined in for the class take precedence.

The trainings can include assessment of reaction-like Training courses may also include a reaction evaluation – such as a satisfaction survey – and a certificate, which will to be issued to the student when he completed they finish the course successfully.


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<a id="toggleAll" href="#" >Expand/hide additional information. </a>
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	$("#toggleAll").html('Expand/hide ' + soma  + ' additional information.');

    AJS.$('#toggleAll').click(function() {
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Basic Path


01. In the tab General information, insert the information related to the training language.

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The requested information is:

Language in which the training content will be displayed. For each new added language, add the same training content in the corresponding language to the Content and evaluations tab, and define their settings.

Set as default language
When checked, specifies that the selected language will be the default language of training.

02. Click Send image to add an image for the training course.

03. In the Upload window, press Select file.

04. Press Send.

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To remove the inserted image, press Remove.

05. Insert the remaining information requested for the training.

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The requested information is:

Acronym for identification of training.

Name of identification of training.

Current training situation. The available options are:

  • Available: When selected, determines that the training is available in the catalog, being possible to plate and associate it with the outline items in groups;
  • Deprecated: When selected, determines that the training is in the process of discontinuation, however, is still allowed to perform enrollments and associate it with the outline items in groups;
  • Closing: When selected, determines that the training is available in the catalog, however, it is not possible to make registration and not associate it with the outline items into classes. The plates that are active at the time the training receives this status remain active and the student's access to he typically occurs;
  • Filed under: when it is selected, the training course continues to be displayed in the catalog, but enrollment requests are no longer allowed. To the students who are currently enrolled, the training course is still displayed and they remain enrolled, but can no longer access its content.

Author of the training.

Training registration cost is deducted from the account to which the student is referenced in the act of registration.

Workload (in minutes)
Training duration in minutes.

Description of the objectives of the training.

06. Press the tab Contents and evaluations.

07. In pretest, click Select to relate a pretest to a training course.

08. In the Reviews, enter the name of the evaluation that will be the pre-test training.

09. In listing presented, select the evaluation that will be related to training as a pre-test.

10. Press Add.

11. Set the other requested information to the pre-test.

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The requested information is:

Allow the training to continue even if the pre-test has not been corrected
When checked, it determines that the student can attend the training – view its contents, answer its evaluations and complete it – even when the pre-test is pending correction for having open-ended questions. By checking this option, the options "Approve" and "Reject” in the pre-test are disabled.

Approve in the pretest
When checked, determines that the student can be approved directly in the pre-test, i.e. If it reaches the score set for approval, he shall be deemed to have been approved without having to watch the contents of training.

Approval score in the pretest
Score required for the student to be considered a successful candidate in training running only the pre-test.

Fail in the pretest
When checked, determines that the student can be dismissed directly in the pre-test, i.e. If it reaches a score less than the set to fail, it is automatically failed on the track, not being able to watch your content without first obtaining the necessary knowledge to attend this training.

Failing score in the pretest
Score the student needs to overcome to be considered failed in training by running only the pre-test.

Pretest is mandatory
When checked, determines that the execution of the pre-test is mandatory to continue training. When the pre-test is not defined as mandatory, the student can finish the training even when the pre-test or post-test is pending correction for having open-ended questions. In this case, the training is displayed in the student’s history with the status "pending correction." As soon as the tests are corrected, the status is changed and the grades are displayed in the history. However, the training-related items, such as skills, certificates or items that have this training as a prerequisite, will only be release after the tests are corrected.

12. In content, press Add to insert content in training.

13. In the Contents window, enter the name of the content that is related to training.

14. In the listing displayed, select the content that will be part of the training.

15. Press Add.

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You can insert more than one content to compose the training.

To view the contents inserted, just select it and press Show, located in the last column.

To remove an included training for track, select it and press Remove.

16. In added content, select the added content to configure it.

17. Press Configure.

18. In the settings window, set the parameters in the tab Content control.

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The requested information is:

When checked, specifies that the contents is mandatory.

Order of presentation of the training content.

19. Press the tab Behavior when starting and set the startup parameters to be applied to the SCORM content.

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This tab is only displayed when the content is SCORM type.

The requested information is:

Preview mode
How the SCORM content is displayed by the student. The available options are:

  • View only;
  • View and preview;
  • Preview and Review;
  • All of the above.

Use this SCORM as a criterion for approval
When checked, determines that the student can be approved directly after performing the SCORM content, i.e. If it reaches the score set for approval, he shall be deemed to have been approved without having to watch the other contents of the training.

Use the score for approval of training as a score for approval on SCORM
When checked, specifies that the score needed for approval in the SCORM content is the same required for approval in training.

Use this time as the minimum runtime for the package
Minimum time to view SCORM content. If the content is finished before reaching the minimum time, it will be considered performed and the student will not get the specific grade for that content, if applicable. It must follow the format 9999:59:59.

Use this time as the maximum runtime for the package
Maximum time that is allowed for viewing SCORM content. It must follow the format 9999:59:59.

Action to exceed the time
Action that will be performed when the execution of the item exceeds the allotted time. The available options are:

  • Finalize and send message;
  • Finalize and send message;
  • Continue and send message;
  • Continue and not send message.

20. Press the tab View control and check the view control options to be applied to the SCORM content.

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This tab is only displayed when the content is SCORM type.
The available options are:

  • Display SCORM tree;
  • Display SCORM browser;
  • Display SCORM "Lesson status"
  • Display SCORM "Max time allowed";
  • Display SCORM "Score raw"
  • Display SCORM "Total time".

21. Press Confirm.

22. In posttest, click Select to relate a posttest to a training course.

23. In the reviews, enter the name of the evaluation that will be the post-test training.

24. In listing presented, select the evaluation that will be related to training as a post-test.

25. Press Add.

26. Insert the score required for approval in the post-test.

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Minimum score the student must achieve to be approved in the post-test. This score must be between 0 and 100 and separated by a dot if a decimal. Example: 50.5

27. In skills, trigger Add to relate to skills training, if desired.

28. The skills window, enter the name of the skill that will be gained by the student to complete the training successfully.

29. In the listing displayed, select the skill will be acquired by the student to complete the training successfully.

30. Press Add.

31. In added skills, enter the minimum and maximum scores of the skill that the student can acquire in the respective columns.

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The score must be from 0 to 100.

32. In reaction evaluation, click Select to relate a reaction evaluation to a training course.

33. In the reaction evaluations window, enter the name of the evaluation that will be the reaction evaluation of the training course.

34. In listing presented, select the evaluation that will be related to training as evaluation of reaction.

35. Press Add.

36. Press the tab Additional information.

37. Select the certificate that will be issued to the student when he finish the training successfully.

38. Insert the programmatic content of the training and what is your target audience.

39. In prerequisites, trigger Add to set preconditions for the training, if desired.

40. Prerequisites window, enter the name of the item that will be a prerequisite for this training is attended.

41. In listing appears, select the item that will be a prerequisite for training.

42. Press Add.

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You can insert more than one prerequisite for training. When you finish, close the window to continue with the inclusion of training.

To remove a requirement, it is necessary to select it and press Remove.

43. Press the tab Security.

44. Define whether the training should inherit the permissions from its parent folder.

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The available options are:

Inherits permissions
When selected, determines the permissions and restrictions assigned to training will be the same as its parent folder. Even when training inherits the permissions, you can set other permissions or restrictions specific to him, in addition to those already inherited.

Does not inherits permissions
When selected, determines the permissions and restrictions of the parent folder will not be assigned to training.

Uses default
When selected, it determines that it will take into consideration the parameterization defined in the training courses and tracks settings from the tab Learning in the Control panel.

45. Under permissions, press Add to set the permissions of users or group of users for training, if desired.

46. Enter the user name, user group, class or subject that you wish to assign permissions.

47. In the presented listing, select the user, user group, class or subject that you wish to assign permissions.

48. In the level table, select the option that determines the permission level that will be assign to the selected item.

Image Added

Create new training course


01. After clicking New, Training course where the training course will be created, click Add – in the lower left corner of the image – to add an image for the training course.

02. Find and select the image of your choosing.


The maximum size allowed for the image is 4 MB.

03. In the pop-up window, define image crop.

04. Click Save.

To delete the added image, just click the Delete icon – in the lower right corner of the image.

05. Add the required information for the training course.


Required information:

Training course acronym.

Training course name.

Current training status. Available options are:

  • Available: when it is selected, the training course becomes available in the catalog, allowing registrations and its association to topic items in classes;
  • Obsolete: when it is selected, the training course is in the process of discontinuation, but registrations and its association to topic items in classes are still allowed;
  • Under conclusion: when selected, neither registration in training courses nor its association to class topic items is allowed. As the training course is given that status, active registrations remain active, and the student can access it as usual. For the other users that have at least reading permission on the training course, it will only be displayed in the catalog if the option Allow viewing training courses and tracks that are under conclusion from Learning settings is set to Yes;
  • Archived: when selected, it is not possible to request registration in the training course. To the students who are currently registered, the training course is still displayed and they remain registered, but can no longer access its content. For the other users that have at least reading permission on the training course, it will only be displayed in the catalog if the option Allow viewing archived training courses and tracks from Learning settings is set to Yes.

Training course author’s name

Registration cost of the training course is deducted from the account to which the student is related, upon registration.

Class hours (in minutes)
Training course duration in minutes.

Theme or area of knowledge to which the training course belongs.

Description of training goals.

06. Click the Content and evaluations tab.

07. In Pre-test, click the Search icon to relate a pre-test to the training course.

08. In the pop-up window, find and select the evaluation to be the training course pre-test.


You can find the evaluation that you want by using the Search field – in the upper right corner of the window – or by paging through evaluations – arrows located in the lower right corner.

09. Click on Add.


To delete the evaluation added as pre-test, simply click Delete, next to the Search icon.

10. Define the other required information for the pre-test.


Required information:

Allow the training to continue even if the pre-test has not been graded
When it is checked, the student can attend the training course – view its contents, take its evaluations and complete it – even when the pre-test is pending grading for having open-ended questions. When you check this option, the options “Pass the pre-test” and “Fail the pre-test” are disabled.

Pass the pre-test
When it is checked, the student passes the pre-test automatically, i.e. if they achieve the set passing score, they will pass it without having to watch the training course content.

Pre-test passing score
Score required for the student to pass the training course taking only the pre-test.

Fail the pre-test
When it is checked, the student fails the pre-test automatically, i.e. if they achieve a score lower than the failing score set, they automatically fail the track and cannot watch its content without first obtaining the necessary knowledge to take this training course.

Pre-test failing score
Score that the student is required to exceed not to fail the training course taking only the pre-test.

Pre-test is mandatory
When it is checked, taking the pre-test is mandatory to continue the training course. When the pre-test is not defined as mandatory, the student can finish the training course even when the pre-test or post-test is pending grading for having open-ended questions. In this case, the training course is displayed in the student’s history with the status “Pending grading”. As soon as the tests are graded, the status is changed and the grades are displayed in the history. However, the training-related items, such as skills, certificates or items that have this training course as a requirement, will only be released after the tests are graded.

11. In Content, click New content to add content to the training course.

12. In the pop-up window, find and select the content to make up the training course.


You can find the content that you want by using the Search field – in the upper right corner of the window – or paging through content – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one piece of content at once.

13. Click on Add.

14. After you finish adding all the content, click Close.


To delete the content added to the training course, simply click the Delete icon, tothe right of the line corresponding to the content.

15. To view the added content, simply click the Preview icon, next to the Content type column.

16. Click the Content settings icon, next to Preview.

17. In the pop-up window, define the features for the content directly in the training course.


You can configure each piece of content added to the training course.

Mandatory content
When it is checked, performing the content is mandatory.

Display order
Content display order in the training course.

Viewing mode
How the SCORM content is viewed by the student. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content. Available options are:

  • View only;
  • View and preview;
  • View and review;
  • All of the above.

Use this SCORM as a passing criterion
When it is checked, the student passes the pre-test automatically after performing the SCORM content, i.e. if they achieve the set passing score, they will pass it without having to watch the remaining training course content. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content.

Use the training passing score as a SCORM passing score
When it is checked, the required passing score for the SCORM content is the same one required to pass the training course. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content.

Use this time as the minimum runtime for the package
Minimum time to view SCORM content. If the content is finished before reaching the minimum time, it will be considered completed and the student will not get the specific grade for that content, if applicable. It must follow the format 9999:59:59. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content.

Use this time as the maximum runtime for the package
Maximum time that is allowed for viewing SCORM content. It must follow the format 9999:59:59. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content.

Action if time is exceeded
Action to be performed if viewing SCORM content exceeds the maximum time allowed. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content. Available options are:

  • End and send message;
  • End and do not send message;
  • Continue and send message;
  • Continue and do not send message.

Display control
SCORM content display options in the training course. This field is only displayed when it contains SCORM content. Available options are:

  • Display SCORM tree: When checked, this option determines that the item structure is displayed in the upper left corner of the window while viewing SCORM content, which allows users to expand and contract the items.
  • Display SCORM browser: When checked, this option determines that the Previous and Next buttons are displayed in the lower-right corner, to move forwards or backwards in the SCORM content when allowed.
  • Display execution status (SCORM lesson status): When checked, this option determines that the execution status of the SCORM content – such as browsed or complete – will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window while viewing.
  • Display maximum runtime (SCORM max time allowed): When checked, this option determines that the maximum allowed time for the SCORM content execution will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window while viewing. This time is set in the Use this time as the maximum runtime for the package field. If no time has been set and this option is checked, the maximum time will be displayed as zero (0000:00:00).
  • Display execution progress status (SCORM score raw): when checked, this option determines that progress status for the SCORM content execution will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window while viewing.
  • Display elapsed runtime (SCORM total time): When checked, this option determines that a time count will be displayed while users are viewing the SCORM content. If the window is closed and opened later, the new count will be added to the previous count.

    A user viewed the content for 10 minutes and closed the window for some reason. Upon returning to the content page, the count will start from 10 minutes and the additional viewing time will be added to those initial 10 minutes.

18. Click Save.

19. In Post-test, click the Search icon to relate a post-test to the training course.

20. In the pop-up window, find and select the evaluation to be the training course post-test.

You can find the evaluation that you want by using the Search field – in the upper right corner of the window – or by paging through evaluations – arrows located in the lower right corner.

21. Click on Add.


To delete the evaluation added as post-test, simply click Delete, next to the search icon.

22. Add the score required for passing the post-test.


That is the minimum score the student must achieve to pass the post-test. It must be between 0 and 100, and separated by a dot if it is a decimal.
Example: 50.5
This field is only displayed after you select a post-test.

23. In Reaction evaluation, click the Search icon to relate a reaction evaluation to the training course.

24. In the pop-up window, find and select the evaluation to be the reaction evaluation of the training course.

You can find the evaluation that you want by using the Search field – in the upper right corner of the window – or by paging through evaluations – arrows located in the lower right corner.

25. Click on Add.


To delete the evaluation added as reaction evaluation simply click Delete, next to the search icon.

26. Click the Additional information tab.

27. Select the certificate to be issued to the student when they finish the training course successfully.

28. In Skills, click Add skill if you want to relate skills to the training course.

29. In the pop-up window, find and enter the skill the student will acquire as they finish the training course successfully.


You can find the skill that you want by using the Search field – in the upper right corner of the window – or paging through skills – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one skill at once.

30. Click on Add.

31. After you finish adding all the skills, click Close.


To delete a skill added to the track, simply click the Delete icon, to the right of the line corresponding to the skill.

32. In the Minimum (0) and Maximum scores (100) columns, enter the corresponding scores for the skill that the student can acquire after finishing the training course successfully.


The score must be between 0 and 100.

Those values establish how many points the student will receive in this skill, based on the proportional difference between their final grade and the minimum grade to pass the training course.

Go to Platform ❙ Skills for examples and details on the calculation.

33. Enter the syllabus of the training course and its target audience.

34. In Requirements, click New requirement if you want to define requirements for the training course.

35. In the pop-up window, find and select the item to be the requirement to take this training course.


To find the item, use the search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or page through the items – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one item at once.

36. Click on Add.

37. After you finish adding all the requirements, click Close.


To delete a requirement entered in the training course, simply click the Delete icon, to the right of the line corresponding to the requirement.

38. Click on the Security tab.

39. Define whether the training course should inherit the permissions from its parent folder.


Available options are:

Inherit permissions
When it is selected, the permissions and restrictions assigned to the training course will be the same as its parent folder. Even when the training course inherits the permissions, you can define other permissions or restrictions specific to it, in addition to those already inherited.

Not inherit permissions
When it is selected, the permissions and restrictions of the parent folder are not assigned to the training course.

Use default
When selected, it considers what was set in the option “Inherit tracks and training permissions automatically” from Learning settings in the Control Panel.

40. In Permissions, click Add if you want to define the access permissions of the training course.

41. In the pop-up window, find and select the user, user group, class or subject to which you wish to assign permissions.


To find the item, use the search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or page through the items – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one item at once.

42. Click Add.

43. In the Level column – next to the added item –select the option that establishes the permission level to be assigned to it.


Available options are:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Deletion;
  • Complete.

For detailed information regarding each permission option, go to Catalog permissions and restrictions.

To edit the permission on an added item, simply select the new option to be assigned to it in the Level column.

To delete an added item, simply click the Delete icon –locatedin the line corresponding to the item and to the right of the Level column.

44. In Restrictions, click Add if you want to define training course access.

45. In the pop-up window, find and select the user, user group, class or subject to which you wish to assign restrictions.


To find the item, use the search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or page through the items – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one item at once.

46. Click Add.

47. In the Level column – next to the entered item –select the option that establishes the restriction level to be assigned to it.



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The available options are:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • ExclusionDeletion;
  • Complete.

Find For detailed information about each permission in Permissions and restrictions in the catalog.

49. Press Add.

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It is possible to add more than one item. When you finish, close the window to continue with the inclusion of training.

To change the permissions of an item, select it and press Edit.

To remove permissions for an item, select it and press Remove.

50. Press Restrictions.

51. Press Add to include restrictions on access to training, if desired.

52. Enter the user name, user group, class or subject that you wish to assign restrictions.

53. In the displayed listing, select the user, user group, class or subject that you wish to assign restrictions.

54. In the level table, select the option that determines the level of restriction that will be assigned to the selected item.

titleLearn more

The available options are:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Exclusion;
  • Complete.

Find detailed information about each restriction in Permissions and restrictions in the catalog.

55. Press Add.

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It is possible to add more than one item. When you finish, close the window to continue with the inclusion of training.

To change permissions for an item, select it and press Edit.

To remove the restrictions of an item, select it and press Remove.

56. Fire Rescue; or Cancel to quit the creation of training, if desired.


Alternative Paths


Edit Training


01. In the catalog, access the location where the training is through the structure in the left frame.

02. In listing presented in the table on the right, select the training to be edited.

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To only select the training for editing, it is necessary to click on the corresponding picture to him, because when you click the link corresponding to your name training is open, it is not possible to edit it.

03. Press Edit.

04. Change the chosen information.

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Information about the displayed fields can be obtained from the basic route.

05. Press Save or Cancel to discard the changes made, if desired.


Remove training


01. In the catalog, access the location where the training is through the structure in the left frame.

02. In listing presented in the table on the right, select the training to be deleted.

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To only select the training for removal, it is necessary to click on the corresponding picture to him, because when you click the link corresponding to your name training is open, it is not possible to remove it.

03. Press Remove.

04. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the deletion of the training; or Not to drop out of the action, if desired.


Copy training


01. In the catalog, access the location where the training is through the structure in the left frame.

02. In listing in the right frame, select the training to be copied.

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To only select training to print, it is necessary to click on the corresponding picture to him, because when you click the link corresponding to your name training is open, it is not possible to copy it.

03. Press Copy/move.

04. In the item destination folder, click Search.

05. In the folders window, enter the name of the folder to which the training will be copied.

06. In the listing displayed, select the destination folder from the copy of the training.

07. Press Add and close the window.

08. Press Copy.

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To activate this option, the copy of the training is created in the location set.


Move training


01. In the catalog, access the location where the training is through the structure in the left frame.

02. In listing presented in the table on the right, select the training to be moved.

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To only select the training for movement, it is necessary to click on the corresponding picture to him, because when you click the link corresponding to your name training is open, it is not possible to move it.

03. Press Copy/move.

04. In the item destination folder, click Search.

05. In the folders window, enter the name of the folder to which the training will be moved.

06. In listing appears, select the folder to which the training will be moved.

07. Press Add and close the window.

08. Press Move.

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To activate this option, the training is moved to the location set.


Enroll in training


01. Access the training in which to enroll.

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To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right.

02. Click Request enrollment.

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When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically approved or submitted to the approval of the person in charge in case the account to which the student is linked requires approval of the enrollment request.


Cancel registration request in training

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If a user wants to cancel their enrollment request, they are required to have the permission to cancel enrollments in training courses defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature: Learning - Enrollments; option: Cancel active enrollment in training courses/tracks


01. Access the training which the registration request will be canceled.

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To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right.

02. Click Cancel enrollment request.

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When pressing this option, the enrollment request is canceled.


Cancel enrollment in training

regarding each restriction option, go to Catalog permissions and restrictions.

To edit the restriction on an entered item, simply select the new option to be assigned to it in the Level column.

To delete an added item, simply click the Delete icon –locatedin the line corresponding to the item and to the right of the Level column.

48. Click Save to confirm the creation of the training course; or Cancel if you want to cancel the action.

Edit training course


 Only users that have, at least, modification permission on the training course are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, find where the training course is.

02. Click the Edit icon, located to the right of the training course name.

 You can also click Edit after accessing the training course, which will be in the upper right corner of the window.

03. Change the information of your choice. For more details about the displayed fields, see the basic path.

04. Click Save or Cancel if you want to discard the changes made.

Copy training course


 Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the target folder are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, find where the training course is.

02. Click the Copy icon, located to the right of the training course name.

You can also click Copy after accessing the training course, clicking the arrow next to Edit, in the upper right corner of the window. To access a training course, simply click its name.

03. In the Search field in the pop-up window, enter the name of the folder to which to copy the training course.

04. On the pop-up list, select the folder to which to copy the training course.

05. Click Copy.

When you click this option, the copy of the training course is created in the selected folder, if you have the required permissions to perform this action.

Move training courses


 Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the folder containing the training course, and modification permission on the target folder are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, find where the training course is.

02. Click Move, located to the right of the training course name.

 You can also click Move after accessing the training course, clicking the arrow next to Edit, in the upper right corner of the window.

03. In the Search field in the pop-up window, enter the name of the folder to which to move the training course.

04. In the pop-up list, select the folder to which to move the training course.

05. Click Move.

 When you click this option, the training course is moved to the selected folder, if you have the required permissions to perform this action.

Delete training course


 Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the folder containing the training course are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, find where the training course is.

02. Click Delete, located to the right of the training course name.

 You can also click Delete after accessing the training course, clicking the arrow next to Edit, in the upper right corner of the window.

03. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm deleting the training course; or No if you want to cancel the action.

View training information and content


To view training course content, users must have, at least, reading permission defined for them.

01. In the catalog, go to the training course containing the content and information that you want to view. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. In the pop-up window, view the general information and the content that makes up the training course.

03. Click the icon next to the purpose of the training course in order to view its additional information, that is, its syllabus and target audience. After viewing it, click Close to return to the main window.

04. Click Training requirements and view the items to be completed before you can start the training course. After viewing it, click Close to return to the main window.

This option is only displayed when the training course has requirements.

05. Click Skills acquired in this training course and view the skills that the student will acquire after finishing the training course successfully.


This option is only displayed when the training course has skills related to it.

06. To preview training course content, click Preview, located to the right of the content name.

To preview content, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the training course.

Find training content


This search allows you to filter the content within the training course.

01. In the catalog, go to the training course containing the content that you want to find. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Enter the content name in the Search field, located in the upper right corner.

03. View the search result.

Register users in training course


For a user to register other users, in the permissions in the Control Panel – feature Learning - Registrations, the option Register all users has to be active.

01. In the catalog, go to the training course in which to register users. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click Register users, located in the upper right corner.

03. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm it.

 Upon confirmation, it displays a window that allows you to register users. For more information about available actions, go to Register users.

Self-register in training course


For users to self-register, they are required to have, at least, active execution permission on the training course.

01. In the catalog, they have to go to the training course in which they want to self-register. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click Request registration, located in the upper right corner.


When the user has permission to register other users, the displayed option will be Register users. In this case, click the arrow next to it to view the option Request registration.

When you click Request registration, if the training course has no requirements or if it does but the student has already completed them, the registration request is automatically approved or submitted for the person in charge’s approval when the account to which the user is associated requires registration request approval. If there are requirements that have not been successfully completed by the student, they will be displayed and the registration will not be requested, since the student is required to complete them first.

Cancel training course registration request


If a user wants to cancel their registration request, they are required to have active permission to cancel registrations
titleLearn more
If a user wants to cancel their enrollment request, they are required to have the permission to cancel enrollments in training courses defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature: Learning - EnrollmentsRegistrations; option: Cancel active enrollment registration in training coursescourse/tracks

01. Access the training which the registration will be cancelled.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right.

02. Click Cancel enrollment.

titleLearn more

When pressing this option, the enrollment is canceled. 


Enroll Users in training


01. Access the training in which users will be enrolled.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right. 

02. Press Enroll users.

titleLearn more

To activate this option, the window is displayed that allows you to perform the registration of users. Find more information about the available actions in Register user


Add training to wish list


01. Access the training if you want to add to wishlist.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right. 

02. Click Add to wish list.

titleLearn more

To activate this option, the module is added to the list of desires of the student. 


Remove training from the wish list


01. Access the training if you want to remove from the wish list.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right. 

02. Click Remove from wish list.

titleLearn more

To activate this option, the module is removed from the student's wish list. 


Watch training

titleLearn more

The default path to watching training sessions is from the menu my learning > Training/Tracks in progress. However, you can also access them from the catalog. 


01. Access the training if you want to watch.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right. 

02. Press Watch now.

titleLearn more

To activate this option, the window in which you can run the training items. more information can be found in Watch training


Continue watching training

titleLearn more

The default path to watching training sessions is from the menu my learning > Training/tracks in progress. However, you can also access them from the catalog. 


01. Access the training that has already been started but not completed that if you want to keep watching.

titleLearn more

To access the training, simply locate it in the catalog and trigger the link corresponding to your name in the listing of trainings presented in the table on the right. 

02. Click Continue watching.

titleLearn more

To activate this option, the window in which you can run the training items. Find more information in Training courses/tracks in progress




01. In the catalog, go to the training course whose registration request will be canceled. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click Cancel registration request, located in the upper right corner.

When the user has permission to register other users, the displayed option will be Register users. In this case, click the arrow next to it to view the option Cancel request registration.

03. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm registration request cancellation; or No if you want to cancel the action.

Upon confirmation, the registration request is canceled.

Cancel registration in training course


For users to cancel their registration, they are required to have active permission to cancel registrations in training courses defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature: Learning - Registrations; option: Cancel registration in training course/tracks.

01. In the catalog, go to the training course whose registration will be canceled. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click Cancel registration, located in the upper right corner.

When the user has permission to register other users, the displayed option will be Register users. In this case, click the arrow next to it to view the option Cancel registration.

03. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm registration cancellation; or No if you want to cancel the action.


Upon confirmation, the registration is canceled and the user can no longer access the training course.

This option is also displayed in the student’s learning plan. For more information on how to cancel registration from the learning plan, go to My learning.

Add training course to your wish list


01. In the catalog, go to the training course to be added to the wish list. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click the arrow next to Request registration, located in the upper right corner.

 When the user has permission to register other users, instead of Request registration, the displayed option will be Register users.

03. Click Add to wish list.

04. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm adding the training course to the wish list; or No if you want to cancel the action.


Upon confirmation, the training course is added to the student’s wish list.

The added training courses can be viewed on the Wish list widget, which can be added to platform pages so that users can view the items they added to their wish list, that is, items in which they intend to register at a later date. For information about the widget, go to Wish list and for information about adding widgets to pages, go to Add pages.

Delete training course from the wish list


01. In the catalog, go to the training course to be deleted from the wish list. To access the training course, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.

02. Click the arrow next to Request registration, located in the upper right corner.

 When the user has permission to register other users, instead of Request registration, the displayed option will be Register users.

03. Click Delete from the wish list.

04. In the pop-up window, click Yes to confirm the deletion of the training course from the wish list; or No if you want to cancel the action.

When you click this option, the training course is deleted from the student’s wish list.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from as of the 1.56.10 3 – Snowflake update. If you use a previous update, it Previous updates may contain different information different from than what you see on your platform.

