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Comentário: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
The New Financial Manager is in the homologation phase and was released for pilot customers only.


Set of features for the client to manage financial activities in an agile way with a modern interface.


This set of features is available only in the release 12.1.33


Multiprotocol Port

  • In the GENERAL section, you must include the "App_Environment" key, the value of which must be the name of the environment that the services will run in. 
  • In the DRIVERS section, you must enable the multiprotocol port in the "MultiProtocolPort" key with value = 1.
  • By default, the SSL connection is active on the multiprotocol port. Details of the settings are available in the Application Server - Multiprotocol Port documentation. To disable the SSL connection, you need to enter the key "MultiProtocolPortSecure = 0".

Wiki Markup
For further information on this configuration, access the page [Application Server - Multiprotocol Port|].
MultiProtocolPortSecure{*}={*}0 *// 0 - Disable SSL | 1- Enable SSL*
App_Environment=protheus * // Environment with the services*
Add to your FINANCE menu the *FINA710* *(New Financial Manager)* function call.


Dictionary update required and will be released in Protheus Release 12.1.33.


For more details on the configuration Wizard, click here.


MV_TFCJOB - Date of the last execution of the TFC job. More details in: Creation of Parameter MV_TFCJOB - FINA710